The Null Device

Only in America: A petition to rename "The Two Towers" to something less offensive.
Those of us who have seen The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring know what an amazing director Peter Jackson is. When I learned that there apparently was to be a sequel, I was overjoyed. However, Peter Jackson has decided to tastelessly name the sequel "The Two Towers". The title is clearly meant to refer to the attacks on the World Trade Center. In this post-September 11 world, it is unforgiveable that this should be allowed to happen. The idea is both offensive and morally repugnant. Hopefully, when Peter Jackson and, more importantly, New Line Cinema see the number of signatures on this petition, the title will be changed to something a little more sensitive.

(via Anton Sherwood's blog)

There are 14 comments on "":

Posted by: alex Tue May 7 07:42:41 2002

*SPOILERS AHEAD!* The whole thing's a hoax. Most people find this out once they actually read some of the signatures, which include HAHAHA YOU ARE GAY and and . Revenge of the low-brow bloggers man ... Pretty funny though. Hope I haven't spoiled it for too many people: by the way, the chick in the Crying Game is really a man!

Posted by: mitch http:// Tue May 7 09:58:41 2002

Assuming it is a hoax, I wonder how many of those who were taken in by it, were also taken in by "The Lord of the Rings: The Novelization"?

Posted by: alex Tue May 7 14:30:12 2002

What was "The Novelization"? Post proof or retract! As for it being a hoax -- look at how many of the first signatures have had to be 'voided'. There are some interesting comments on page '867'.

Posted by: acb Tue May 7 17:27:36 2002

Posted by: chris http:// Tue May 7 23:38:08 2002

After all the comments about the Lord of the Rings were blocked people also went on saying how Attack of the Clones was also offensive. I mean come on it was the original book name (Two Towers). It might be different if it was the Twin Towers. But its not is it.

Posted by: Toby Thain Wed May 8 02:51:13 2002

How about "Lord of the Rings Part II: it's time to Nuke America into Dust"?

Posted by: acb Wed May 8 03:09:53 2002

Heh; one of the members of a Melbourne band is starting a hardcore anarchist/Marxist punk band named Jihad Against America. Though I think that Anti-Septic League would have been a catchier name.

Posted by: Graham Wed May 8 14:02:44 2002

If I ever do this move to Melbourne thing, you know that The Bashful Virgins won't be far behind.

Posted by: Dan and Dustin http:// Thu May 9 02:32:48 2002

Found in Casper Star Tribune:

Dear Editor- In this day and age, in our sue-happy (and never satisfied) society, censorship is a necessary evil, especially with sex and violence being grossly thrust to the general populous. But what can one say? Sex and violence sells. But what is too far? To what extent can a group or individual go before the outcome affects everyone, and strikes the majority with unsavory results? The events of September 11 have affected every person in the world in some way, and sensitivity to those events has been a prime priority in Hollywood and all general factions of the media. It has come to my attention that a group of individuals are petitioning to change a classic piece of art, a book that has been around for 48 years, because the title reflects the name of the Twin Towers. The website alleges that J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic, The Two Towers: “is clearly meant to refer to the attacks on the World Trade Centre” – although the title predates this senseless act by more than five de

Posted by: jcraig http:// Thu May 9 15:34:58 2002

I cannot believe that the creators of this petition are being ridiculed. I think peter jackson clearly is seeking to capitalize on the 9/11 disaster. Further more, the feelings of people affected should be considered since we all can't have a life. I am creating a petition the change the WTO's name since they are also offending me and are obviously seeking to profit from the tradgedy. In fact, maybe the whole tradgedy was a marketing effort on the part of the WTO and peter jackson ... and the spirit of JR tolkien, yeah that's it!

Posted by: JStein Thu May 9 21:37:54 2002

Clearly seeking to capitalize on the 9/11 disaster? GIVE ME A BREAK! The movie is the same name as the book created in the mid 1900s! Tolien wasn't some kind of phrophet! If Peter Jackson really is reffering to 9/11, dont you think no one would see it? Please post comments only after you are absolutely sure you haven't been taking drugs, smoking, or drinking alchahol(sp?). The name is reffering to the tower of Isengard and the tower in Mordor. Read the books first!

Posted by: mitch http:// Sat May 11 02:48:07 2002

Just as in the mirrored world of double-triple intelligence agents, one cannot be sure whether we are seeing earnest cluelessness or its artful simulation.

Posted by: JStein http:// Sun May 12 04:27:11 2002

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, if they don't name it "The Two Towers", what should they name it? Perhaps "Sam and Frodo almost get into Mordor and Aragaorn, Legolas, and Gimli defeat the army of Isengard." I know! They should name it "The idiots who created that petition need to get a life.

Posted by: JStein http:// Thu May 23 22:06:51 2002

Ah yes, and Toby Thain, that comment was highly unintelligent and highly inappropriate. Perhaps LOTR part II should be: It's time to nuke Toby Thain's native country into dust? Get my point? Please refrain from posting stupid comments like that in the future, you Anti-American twit.