The Null Device

This just in

This just in: An experiment in an IRC 'carder' chat room with a fake IIS web server reveals that IRC credit card hax0rs are clueless.
Within 24 hours approximately 200 cyber warriors had bitten the hook, and not one figured out that they were stuffing around on a Linux box. A quick banner check, or even a quick check with Netcrtaft, was all they'd have needed to see what they were onto. No one tried to own the machine; and a surprising number didn't even bother to go through a proxy.

There are 1 comments on "This just in":

Posted by: Julio http:// Fri Jun 14 10:57:41 2002

I agree, the posers on MIRC who inhabit carding websites such as #carding, #carders, #carderz et al. are a bunch of 14 year olds who just spend all their time begging one another for credit card numbers to use. The only time anyone gives any away is if they have used them up themselves and want to muddy the trail by ensuring the card is used everywhere from Puerto Rico to Warsaw.