The Null Device

Yahoo webmail changing words?

This is bizarre: Apparently, Yahoo's free webmail services silently change your words around when you send mail from them, in an arbitrary way. "mocha" becomes "espresso", for example, and "expression" becomes "statement". Though as it hyphenates "javascript" and bowdlerises some HTML tag names, the most likely hypothesis is that it's a hamfisted way to defang tags in outgoing HTML email. (via NtK)

There are 2 comments on "Yahoo webmail changing words?":

Posted by: MJ http:// Fri Jul 12 18:24:23 2002

Didn't change anything when I tried it...

"We had an evaluation of our javascript expression database over mochas" came out fine ???

Posted by: mitch http:// Sat Jul 13 03:37:50 2002

You have to send it (i) as HTML (ii) to an address I sent it "eval mocha expression" to myself and it became "review espresso statement".