The Null Device

in eager anticipation

Hmm... Ninetynine's The Process comes out on Monday, and already have a page for it. The track listing looks very promising (and the excerpts I've heard on 3RRR do too). The artwork doesn't seem to have the same indie-geeky quality of previous albums (they've ditched the graph paper, I see, along with the numerical album title thing), but it's probably appropriate, as their sound has become more fluid and organic and, dare I say, more mature.

Right now, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of this disc.

There are 3 comments on "in eager anticipation":

Posted by: Ben Fri Sep 13 04:58:56 2002

Given the amount of plugging you do for 'em here, surely you're entitled to a free review copy...

Posted by: acb Fri Sep 13 05:32:30 2002

Heh; now that's an idea... perhaps it's about time I started using my RAN "reviewer" account to get some free CDs.

I do seem to rave about Ninetynine a bit, don't I? They're probably my favourite Melbourne live band (sort of a similar status to what The Paradise Motel held before their untimely demise).

Posted by: acb Fri Sep 13 05:33:56 2002

(It's a bit late to claim the free copy of The Process though; given that I'm unlikely to run into Cameron or Laura before it comes out.)