The Null Device

Knifey moloko

Life imitates A Clockwork Orange? A Victorian company wants to sell alcoholic milk. Named Moo Joose, the knifey moloko will have a 5.3% alcohol content, higher than that of most beer; if they get permission to sell it, that is.

There are 2 comments on "Knifey moloko":

Posted by: gjw Tue Sep 17 06:46:15 2002

I heard them going on about this on the JJJ news today; I don't know how the wowsers can complain about the sale of a drink like this when Wipeout, Fruity Lexia etc. have been available for years (and hopefully for a good many years to come as well). Underage drinkers don't care about the taste, they just care about price and volume; and I'd be willing to bet Moo Juice comes in expensive 300mL bottles.

Posted by: gjw Tue Sep 17 06:53:40 2002

I heard them going on about this on the JJJ news today; I don't know how the wowsers can complain about the sale of a drink like this when Wipeout, Fruity Lexia etc. have been available for years (and hopefully for a good many years to come as well). Underage drinkers don't care about the taste, they just care about price and volume; and I'd be willing to bet Moo Juice comes in expensive 300mL bottles.