The Null Device

Hundreds of Muslims rounded up in California

Bad things are happening in the Land of the Free: hundreds of Muslims rounded up in California, and are now in prison. Officials are maintaining secrecy, but some unconfirmed reports put the number rounded up as high as 1,000.
One activist said local jails were so overcrowded that the immigrants could be sent to Arizona, where they could face weeks or months in prisons awaiting hearings before immigration judges or deportation.

Nice to see that the US government is still zealously committed to fighting for the ideals of justice and liberty.

There are 1 comments on "Hundreds of Muslims rounded up in California":

Posted by: mitch http:// Sat Dec 21 02:34:05 2002

"All but 20 of the hundreds of Middle Eastern men detained this week in southern California after voluntarily presenting themselves to register under new anti-terrorism rules have been released, U.S. immigration officials said on Friday."

All these people - none of them US citizens, i.e. all of them guests in that country - voluntarily showed up to register. Those who had broken laws were arrested. Others were detained until they had been processed:

'"This registration period lasted for 30 days but the lion's share of the registrants showed up in the last eight hours," the INS official said. "It overwhelmed our system. Every one of the applicants had to be interviewed and had to have a background check. We had to insure that anybody we put back on the streets would not pose a threat."'