The Null Device

Films they dare not make today

A look at three films Hollywood wouldn't dare make after 9/11: Dune, Starship Troopers and Fight Club.
Starship Troopers is a penetrating satire of post-9/11 war hysteria as might be imagined by an idealistic New World Order fascist. It's hard to believe it was made pre-9/11; impossible to think it could be made post-9/11.

(via Gimbo)

There are 2 comments on "Films they dare not make today":

Posted by: mark Wed Jan 22 18:03:11 2003

Good find.

And don't think me <em>too</em> stupid, but can you believe I missed the references in <cite>Dune</cite>? I mean, I got the parallels to Islam, but that's all I got. Considering I only just watched the miniseries (last time I read the book was pre-"9/11"), that's bad.

Posted by: sam Thu Jan 23 01:38:11 2003

I like the comment "Dune still carries a dangerously subversive message". ;)