The Null Device

How Bush won the 2004 Election

How George W. Bush won the 2004 Presidential Election. The fact that the US is handing over control of its electoral processes to companies connected to the Republican Party and extreme-right-wing organisations, and installing voting machines seemingly designed to facilitate fraud nation-wide would be alarming. Except that such things would never really happen in America, except in the fevered imaginations of delusional Chomskyites. Right? (via FmH)

There are 2 comments on "How Bush won the 2004 Election":

Posted by: mitch http:// Thu Aug 7 16:23:40 2003

The essay at the Chalcedon Institute website, linked to near the end of Atwal's essay, is its polar opposite. Florida 2000 was an amoral attempt by the Democrats to subvert the democratic process, as has been demonstrated by the work of a few brave journalists; and the left can always be expected to play hardball in this fashion because of its relativist, ends-justify-the-means philosophy. It makes an instructive counterpoint.

Posted by: acb Fri Aug 8 03:56:39 2003

Yes, well, that's exactly the sort of thing you'd expect. Never mind that the US Democrats are hardly the Left, except in the Christian Right's reality-tunnel where "Socialism" is any form of humanism or secularism.