The Null Device

Melbourne fare boycott

Some commuters in Melbourne, frustrated with Connex' mismanagement of the railway network and the resulting decline in service quality and reliability, have called a one-day fare strike on the first of March. Commuters are being urged not to buy or validate tickets on this day.

There are 2 comments on "Melbourne fare boycott":

Posted by: datakid Thu Feb 1 22:41:03 2007

Yr damn right they are. is one of the sites that has popped up - this, I think, will be the most above ground group.

I was discussing with wiktor last night exactly this. Look forward to (or somesuch) and (again...).

farefreeday will be based on the March 1 day of action, but more proactively encouraging of civil disobedience and partaking in NVDA.

ourpublictransport will be an attempt to encourage the state government - or encourage the public to encourage the government - to make the public transport public again. November is when the government has to tell Connex if their contract is re-newed, so that's our deadline.

Word on the street (a personal contact in the state government) is that Connex is doing this deliberately to loose the contract - it's a loss maker, and they want out. Of course, the official word from Connex is the exact opposite - "they want in, in November"

Posted by: bkpr Fri Feb 2 22:14:00 2007

well, I guess if everyone gets fined on this day, Connex may have enough money to fix their trains?