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psychoceramics: God is diluting C-14 right now to give you 1000 yrs

Eliyahweh is a Believer in the Noachian Flood and the chronology laid
out in the Christian Bible.  One of the problems with that chronology
is the extremely long lifespans attributed to those that lived before
the Noachian Flood.  Eliyahweh's theory is that the Flood itself was
caused by a "vapor layer" descending to earth.  Previously, the water
had been in the form of a layer surrounding the earth and protecting
the humans from Carbon-14.  This protection is what allowed Methusaleh
to live for 900+ years.

If you are a fan of garish WWW graphics, visit Eliyahweh's web page.
It's colorful, it's incomprehensible, it's http://www.execpc.com/~elijah
It also contains a hint that this particular loon has gone through a
string of aliases.  His login name is "Elijah".  The web page has him
as "Eliyehowah" every once in a while.  Just recently he changed his
"name" field to "Eliyahweh".

From: Eliyahweh <elijah @ execpc.com>
Newsgroups: alt.religion.christian,talk.religion.misc,talk.origins,sci.skeptic,alt.religion.christian,alt.christnet,talk.religion.misc,alt.christnet.bible,alt.blasphemy,alt.catastrophism,alt.conspiracy,talk.atheism,alt.philosophy.debate
Subject: God is diluting C-14 right now to give you 1000 yrs
Date: Sat, 24 Aug 1996 12:20:25 +0000
Message-ID: <321EF389.431E--@e--.com>

My discovery of C-14 as the culprit was NOT to profit
nor to prove the world wrong, or solve its problems.
C-14 is being diluted right now, by God. Yet by my declaring the
knowledge, it serves as testimony that MAN did not want the knowledge.
They do NOT want to freely benefit all society for its good.
Further they are torn...because they wish to hord and profit off
of gasoline sales....rather than realease all of it was carbon
to restore 900 years of longevity. Yes, they want proof first,
and then they will make sure that rather than burn all gasoline...
they will profit by making their diets.

Mind you...adding C-14 free food to your diet DOESN'T lengthen life,
rather eating food with C-14 is what fatally keeps life short.
All food has C-14 unless methods dilute it...and God's method is
petroleum, coal, tar, oil, and volcanic carbon. Armageddon
will burn ALL oil fields, and erupt all volcanoes.

[entire quoted message Eliyahweh "replied" to deleted]