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psychoceramics: Re: OTP: A Query

> There's no bloody need for this flaming on the list. If you guys want a
> war, fine, but bloody-well fight it privately! I have better things to do
> with my time and disk space than read ridiculous, childish tantrums.

Actually, I didn't mean that message to go to the list.  I did *address*
it to the list, but assumed it would bounce.  So, I do apologize to the
list for that sort-of misdirected message.

--- Doug Linder -----------------------------------------------------------

f--@a--.digex.net                         Beware the man of one book.
http://www.access.digex.net/~faust                 Proud to be an atheist.

- Scotch: because one doesn't solve the world's problems over white wine. -

Any sentence that begins with the phrase "Studies have shown that..."
should be completely ignored.