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psychoceramics: Bloodline Possibilities Diary


Dear  XXXXX:

You asked the questions, so here are some answers about my life, more
than you ever wanted to know.   The story about McDonald (McD) and the
museum is a SEPARATE issue.  If I get it together in the next few days I 
will also include a synopsis of the McD story.  There is one point I 
want to make here -- it is that mind control victims (i.e., implant 
victims) are seemingly, continuously KEPT AT HOME, by syndicate cell 
assaults and debilitating illnesses which LEND themselves to becoming 
immobilized and institutionalized -- these include mono, Epstein-Barr, 
AIDs, MS, Crohn's disease, and the like.  What this does is make it much 
easier for crime syndicates to assault them in place and keeps the 
victim's "accessing" of the implant frequencies much easier to maintain 
and control.  I believe that syndicates are making these people ill with 
these diseases purposefully, to keep them CAGED, so to speak.  It is 
probably another reason intell uses LSD in dart injection guns on these
victims regularly - to keep them from moving around a lot.  When these
victims move, syndicates must pay-out on them -- there is an elaborate
"gift" network in this, a "gumming down" payoff syndicate network which 
people are desperate to get to.Chronology of My Life -- (mind control 

1. *Possibilities*: That I am a so-called "bloodline baby" -- I was born 
on Dec 18, 1949 in Columbus, Ohio (I may have been an adopted child or 
what they call "bloodline" -- possibly ? - "Merovingian" baby -- my 
mother said I was "conceived" in Shreveport, LA, when my father was 
doing top, top, top secret work around there -- both my grandmother AND 
my mother worked WITH early AF and army intelligence there...(possibly 
on mind control behaviorial tactics??) According to my mother's 
statements (1997).  NO pictures exist of my mother pregnant in any photo 
albums.  I have suspected that both my sister and I were adopted. 
Neither of us look like my mother.
2.  1950 - 1962  I underwent Mkultra, mind control programming, and even 
earlier mind control programs of the military.  I may have been
conceived within the womb and used in mc programs' vicious assaults at
that time.  As an infant at West Point Day Care (my mother was involved 
in this sadism, 1950 - 1952), at Wright Pat AFB in Fairborn Ohio 
(1952-1956), SSD in Los Angeles (during Mercury Program, 1957 - 1962 -- 
Les Salzar was one of my "trainers" -- as was the notorious Dr. Liam and 
Harry Green -- again, these training sessions went on out by the airport 
then, off Sepulvada Blvd, at AF training facilities.  From experience 
and beliefs, my theory is that these children were implanted with
devices which DREW aircraft with the intensity of the frequencies off
their implants and off the electro-magnetic vibes set-up in the
electronic systems in their homes.  And that the AF was in part
investigating the REMOTE frequencies drawing airplanes into airports,
hence in doing so they conducted implant mind control experimentations
near airports.  Mind control victims accounts are forever having
airplanes "following them"...wherever they live...these implants may
DRAW aircraft...and very possibly UNUSUAL aircraft...all victims
complain about this phenomena).  I was used in early "Monarch" programs
-- by my mother's admissions -- the word "Monarch" is a REAL miltiary
word.  I heard it used repeatedly with me as a child.  It is very
possible that my father was eye-implanted at West Point (he had magnetic 
eyes), 1950 in surgery -- probably my mother arranged this.  My mother 
received unusual packages from Michigan and Ohio throughout my 
upbringing which I believe contained drugs and/or implants.  I feel if 
these were drugs, they were other "control" drugs, possibly even 
implants.  I remember that they look like drugs and that she was furious 
that I found these.  In 1962 I came down with mononucleaosis.  This 
keeps one in bed.  I was home from 6th grade school, I had to do my 
homework from bed for months.
3.  1963.  My mother was on the phone for hours over Kennedy's death -- 
unusually so -- with friends long distance -- like Michigan.  My mother 
HATED JFK.  So did my maternal grandmother hate JFK.  My mother was 
glued to the TV, it was as if she was afraid something might come out.
My parents had vicious fights this weekend (my father liked JFK very
much).  Later, McD said he was the "other gunman," who actually murdered 
JFK..  My sister told me this was possible in July 1994.  If my family 
was involved in French Creole/Caribbean drugs, I figured why not -- ??
 Rumors always were that JFK was shot by CIA agents having something to 
do with a Caribbean drug cartel involved with Bay of Pigs debacle.
Interesting -- it seemed as if my family might know more about this than 
your normal everyday person.  I didn't believe this was possible until 
4.  1964 -- I gained further eye implants, put into place at an army
base by a army optician, with my mother's INTENSE guidance -- vicious.
I was assaulted in the doctor's offices, my mother brought the implants, 
very hushed up, secretive work by the doctor --- he slipped the implants 
into place behind the eyeball, I remember the pain.  Eye doctors always 
spent GREAT amounts of time with my eyes.
5.  1964 - 66, I was assaulted by my mother badly and sexually mutilated 
by she and other in her cult.
6.  1970, summer of.  Big confrontations between my mother and me.  I
wanted to stay at college for the summer, she did not want that.  I was 
literally caged in the house, I tried to run away, I was forced to stay 
for the summer, I ran into horrible problems at the job, and my mother 
arranged more sexual mutilations of me as well as she assaulted me 
physically.  I was also forced to eat strange pink meats which no other 
family member was forced to eat at meals, one night I remember my father 
and I in a stare down for three hours over me eating this meat.  I 
7.  I never went back home for too long.  Anytime I stayed more than a
few days or weeks, I was assaulted by family members or these cult
members at night.  I moved a lot, cell crime kept catching up to me,
especially when I lived in the southwest and my mother was involved, she 
ALWAYS got involved with friends of mine and my jobs after my family got 
involved, began to fall apart.
8.  By 1985, I was highly successful in NYC and I stayed away from my
family.  I began publishing and became a high administrative official of 
a national arts institution.  I also looked into law school which I very 
much wanted to attend.  Suddenly I became, just as I was applying for 
law school BADLY ill with the Epstein-Barr virus.  I was kept in bed for 
literally years with this off and on -- instead my sister wound up in 
law school -- not me.  Instead I wrote books and published articles, 
from my bed much of the time.  I blamed my mother's liason with a Jewish 
gay man in NYC for this disease later.   I became very ill at this man's 
apartment and soon afterwards had the illness diagnosed as E-B.  Later I
supeoned phone bills which put him in touch with my mother and I felt
something usual had gone on.   My father kept hammering home the fact
that my having this illness was unusual, he kept asking me WHY, WHY did 
I get it?  He just would not quit on it.  Later, I heard many other mind 
control victims also had mono, Epstein-Barr, other immune deficiency 
diseases whenever they appeared in the population.
9.  By 1990 - 92, I was a highly successsful arts adminstrator in NYC,
my salary doubled, I had 20 publications to my credit, I was lecturing
all over the state.  The Jewish gay man was nearly bankrupt.  I began
attempting to make a child in a repro clinic in NJ & NYC (there are many 
of these).  I made the mistake of telling my sister.  Her visits
coincided with my efforts to reproduce, I lost 4 fetuses.  Further, I
watched from 1990 - 1996 about 35 couples MAKE babies around me -- most 
of these children looked adopted.  Many looked like me and talked like 
me.  Later I learned it was not impossible that I was being used as a 
harvester-breeder.  By not only my mother/sister but by doctors/gay and 
bi-sexual men/friends.
10.  1993.  McDonald began the assaults not only on me, but probably on 
many other government employees.  McD warned me to move -- change jobs.
 He also set-up other attractive women in NYC for assaults, possibly
"breeder" use and with implants.  The hypothetical WEB of reproduction
went FAR -- included people in my apartment building, friends I hadn't
seen in 12 years, included women I remembered became pregnant right
after I SPENT THE NIGHT AT THEIR HOMES (ovum transfers) -- and included 
anyone and everyone with connections to the Jewish gay man and my 
mother.  Later, I spoke to three professionals, two psychiatrists and a 
Jewish attorney -- all said that it sounded as if I was right on track 
-- with the possibilities I was being used as a bloodline BREEDER. by 
family and friends and sadistic gay men.
11.  I lost four fetuses -- 1991 - 1993 -- all ostensibly died of food
poisonings, I poured something like $50,000 into clinics.  I was
sexually abused at one NYC clinic by a doctor in 1992, I obtained
ultrasounds of a vicious uterine assault with a plastic knife -- the
ultrasound showed the clear mark of the incision of this plastic knife.
 I demanded answers at the clinic, the clinic refused to acknowledge
this went on.  The last four fetuses I lost to food poisonings dealt to 
me by gay men in NJ who knew the Jewish gay man in NYC and hence had 
connections to my mother.
12.  1992-93 -- My job plummeted, not because of anything I did.  My
mother was now fund raising behind my back for the federal arts
institution I worked for.  This was publicized in institution literature
-- her friends in her home town were actively seeking me out to discuss 
how much to give by phone and in person.  I was mortified, I was 
absolutely mortified -- here my job was falling apart after 16 years of 
successful work with the institution and my mother was doing this right 
in front of me.   My father urged me desperately to challenge her, fight 
this, fight her.  I didn't.  First, I didn't believe that she was doing 
this.  Second, I was very moral and ethical -- I began instead of 
fighting it in litigation against the institution for discrimination. 
13.  McD began the chemical assaults on me in 1993.  From that point on 
my life, I was badly assaulted with chemicals and high frequency weapons 
used continually from the next door neighbor's house.  I saw FBI coming 
and going from that house.  I was in a continual war of very real means
-- my mother laughed about it -- jeered me about it -- refused to
believe even my lab results, and like McD, played games with me about
it.  She was vicious.  Suddenly, and unexpectedly, in March 1993, my
father got some weird cancer which was never diagnosed exactly.  I
didn't believe his illness exactly.  On Sept. 9, 1994, I was viciously
assaulted by my mother in a trance session in the house -- she did the
same thing about three months earlier too -- and my sister warned me my 
mother really hated me, was jealous, so did my father.  This evening 
though something really strange happened -- I was used in a vicious 
trance session by my mother about 6 PM -- I didn't feel well afterwards.
 I got dressed for the country club.  I went out to the garage to get
into the car, my father was standing my his work bench (he was just
three months short of dying).  He was distraught -- he held up a brown
paper bag towards me -- he shook it at me -- he asked me did I need this 
-- I said WHAT?  He said a GUN, I said, WHAT FOR?  He threw the bag with 
gun on the wooden work bench, furiously, it hit hard.  He groaned 
intensely -- very angry with me.  I had endured up to that point nearly 
a full year of chemical assaults -- I NEVER fell apart.  Never occurred 
to me to do so, I was too involved in proving this incredible violence.
 At that instant, my sister, mother and niece, FLEW through the door,
laughing and shouting.  Suddenly, for a few moments, I was put back into 
trance.  But, a second later I was in the car, I was devistated by what 
had occurred, I realized that my father had given me an opportunity.
The events in the next few weeks were too unreal to recount here -- and 
the assaults continued in great earnest until this day.
I can't go into all that I have endured since.  But, it certainly
includes the fact that a great many other people may have babies now
either because they ran into me or because of ovum transfers and sexual 
 I have seen some of these possibly stolen children, many are being
molested and abused by these parents.  I am absolutely DEVISTATED by
their loss.  Because, it appears at this point and time to me that I may 
be the only moral parent I know left.  If it is not explicitly stated 
below, I have listed people only because either I spent the night with 
them and they then immediately became pregnant or they had access to my 
parents who had access to the fertility doctors I was using, hence, if 
ovum were stored away, then these people could have obtained this 
easily.  Ovum can be cryopreserved (frozen) and they can be sent across 
country easily.  But, the reason I suspected that these people were 
involved in obtaining children through me, was that I had a specific 
instance which related to their becoming pregnant or the births 
coincided with things such as my visits or my contact with them.
What follows is a list of the people who have made babies either on my
time or my money or possibly my genetics (which has yet to be proved):
1.      MKS (T., born 1974, or so, possibly M., born 1977).        
        College friend, met my mother, also knew T. H. (see below), I
spent nights at her     house often enough.
2 .     M. -  D.G. (Dates unknown -- from 1977 on)        French 
        According to French friends, currently iving in France or
Greece?  Three children, connections to T.H. in Paris. D.G. visited me
several times in the southwest -- he traveled with S & T as a body guard
-- these three have been integrally connected to crime syndicates in
France, Germany and Europe since the mid-70s.  Other people I know may
also be affiliated with these drug guys.3.      P. B. M. (Lauren, 1982)
        College friend, knew my mother early on, knew T. H., I spent
nights at her house.4.      B. R. (girl A.R., born 1984).
        New Jersey 07043
        Co-worker early 80s, became pregnant while I knew her, child
looks like me.5.      E. H.'s sister (daughter - born 1988)        New 
York City
        This was the Jewish gay man who caused me a GREAT deal of
problem.  He set up crimes on me in my apartment and possibly set me up 
as a breeder with his own family andas well as set-up other so-called 
Jewish friends of mine.
6 .     MKW (daughters born 1986 & 1990).
        Old friend who met me in San Francisco and stayed in a hotel
with me, became pregnant thereafter with a second female child.  First
child was also born after I had visited her in 1986.
7 .     C. P. C. (daughter born late 80s)        Massachusetts
        Old friend I met in graduate school in mid-70s, her son is very 
dark haired, but her daughter was born in late 80s, I haven't seen her 
-- connections to EH.  However she spent the night with my parents in 
about 1991 and shortly thereafter gave birth to a girl whom she kept 
away from me physically when I last saw her.
8.      M. de M.'s daughter M. (The daughter had two children in 
        New York City
        Co-worker who had my family address, phone.  And she got to know 
my mother and her cult early on.  This woman also probably caused me 
further job problems.
9 .     C. P. C. (daughter born late 80s)
        Old friend I met in graduate school in mid-70s, her son is very
dark haired, but her daughter was born in late 80s, I haven't seen her
-- connections to EH.  However she spent the night with my parents in
about 1991 and shortly thereafter gave birth to a girl whom she kept
away from me physically when I last saw her.10.     R..& CS (girl, J, 
        Personal friend who became pregnant right after she stayed the
night in at my family's home in a southwestern state, blonde child
although she and her husband are dark.
11.     P. V.N. (M., born early 80s, possibly son)        Arizona
        Personal friends in the late 70s, had trouble having children,
the son I have never seen a photo of, the daughter looks like me.
12.     B. W.'s daughter, M. (born August, 1990).        Pennsylvania
        College friend who knew my mother well and took advantage of
family connections.13.     B. S. H. (girl T., born 1990).        Arizona
        Co-worker, supervisor in the early 80s, knew MJ L, adopted this
child, I am curious to know if the adoption was from using arranged ovum
-- this woman knew my mother and also spent time with me just before
this pregnancy occurred.
14.     S. B. S. (Billy, Jr. born about 1990-91, she said she had twins
which she lost too)        Florida
        Co-worker I knew in the early 80s.  I never received a photo of
the son she had, but it was born about the time I was doing fertility
work in New Jersey.15.     E. H. G., grandchild born to daughter, (? 
        Co-worker, supervisor in early 90s, she met my mother, not long
afterwards, her daughter became pregnant and I spent the night in a
hotel with her in 1991.16.     M. B. (boy, born 1991)        New York 
        Co-worker who had my family address, phone.
17.     T. H.'s boy (N., born end of Nov., 1991)
        U.S. citizen, living in Paris , college friend who through
information and belief was involved in arranging breeder assaults and
harvesting on me through his syndicate connections in California and New
York and France along with others.  TH also arranged along with SMcW to
assault me seuxally in Paris in Oct 1996, I lost ½ of an ovary and
probably gained more brain implants.18.     P. B. M. (second child ?)
        College friend who knew my family.  I visited her and spent the
night at her house at least once a year, she is involved with cults and
new age religions.19.     P. M.s' boy, (A, born March, 1992).        
        College friend who knew my family.
20.     R. & M. D. (girl C., born 1993.)        New Jersey
        Personal friends who lived in apartment building with me in New
Jersey during time I was doing fertility work and they had this child
during this time, I never saw this child closeup.
21.     M. and L. L. (2 children born 1992-94)        New Jersey
        I knew L' mother (MJ L) well, the mother had visited me at my
home frequently, mother was a co-worker with me and a close friend, MJ
knew my mother.  Had these children during the time I worked for the
fertility clinics.22.     R. and K. M. (child born 1992-3)        New 
        Owner of apartment building I lived in from 1990 - 1993 where I
was assaulted by        syndicate cells and worked with the 
23.     S. SS's (daughters P. & V. (born Jan 1992 & ).        Colorado
        High school friend who was honest with me but became very close
to my mother and        sister as time went on.  One of these children
may be a clone of one of my family members because she looks identical
to my maternal grandmother.24.     M. S. (twins born March 1994).        
        These twins were born on nearly the day my pregnancy was due in
1994 and it was obvious that someone else had used the clinic I used, an
illegal situation, breach of contract.  Her sister visited me in New
Jersey the month before I went for insemination at a fertility clinic
and became pregnant asking me many, many questions about what doctors
and clinics I was using.   It was obvious to me that she was connected
to some syndicate cells in 1993 when I visited her in Canada.
25.     C.S. S. (boy, born 1994).        New York City
        Physician who worked with me in fertility.  She had connections
to all my NYC doctors and the experimentations and clinics.
26.     N. R.  (girl conceived July 1994 - born February 1995)
        New York City
        Co-worker I hired in the mid-80s, broke her friendship off with
me in 1994, just as she         became pregnant, child born nine months
after I had spent the night at her apartment.
27.     S. F. (boy, Owen, born April 1995).        New Jersey
        Her male live-in did work at my residence, and male friend met
MJL at my place of work in 1994, MJL may have provided him with
connections to the fertility clinic and doctors after setting up her own
son and other co-workers.28.     D. B. A. (girl, born 1995).        
        Attorney, worked for me, became elusive when she suddenly became
pregnant.  Professional who worked with me and knew about the fertility
work, had possible connections to my family and had a child after being
employed by me.29.     L.G. (? -- not known gender)        Washington, 
        Attorney, was in court against one of my cases, had contacts
made with my attorney and attorney had information about all my previous
doctors and fertility clinic, including who and where.  If ovum were
stored, this attorney could utilitize this.30.     J. B. (child, August 
1997 )
        Attorney, personal friend of mine who spent one night at our
family home in mid-80s, not long after my contact with him recently, his
wife was expecting a second child, he had contact with me on the phone
and my sister urged me to speak with him.
31.     D. & T. M. (child conceived, Dec 1997)        Outside US
        Mind control victims who suddenly wound up pregnant, they may
have had connections to McD -- the man who set-up the assaults on me
originally and who also had connections to T.H. in Paris.
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