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(fwd) Re: Ultimate "Alien" Answers (must-read)

A particularly entertaining rant combining God, UFOs and New-age stuff..

 From: c--@j--.com (cstewart)
 Newsgroups: alt.paranet.abduct,alt.alien.visitors,alt.alien,alt.alien.research,sci.skeptic,alt.parallel.universes,alt.paranet.forteana,alt.paranet.metaphysics,alt.paranet.psi,alt.paranet.science,alt.paranet.skeptic,alt.paranormal
 Subject: Re: Ultimate "Alien" Answers (must-read)

> Q: On why the US government will not release information supporting the 
> existence of supernatural entities:
> On Sat,  9 Dec 1995 03:07:58 UTC, a--@a--.penet.fi (Leopold Second) wrote:

> A: It is not because Uncle Sam wants to save our relgions and culture. It 
> is because they have evidence that God exists (particularly in a 
> Christian/Western worldview) and to admit that in a secular and "scientific" 
> society will totally erode the power of the Scientific "rational" State , 
> undermine it's authority and relevance and might result in the 
> persecution of non-God believing people. Also there is the major problem 
> caused by "resurection": The modern world would become irrelevant if 
> people welcomed death and eternity through resurection. The capitalist 
> society would colapse and workers would stop showing up for work - instead 
> living off the land and spending their days in prayer or communion. Holy 
> wars would be launched and all that modern man has built would come 
> falling down.
> Q: On why "God" does not make himself clearly evident:
> A1: According to the Old Testament, seeing or hearing God is so 
> overwhelming that it causes us pain and horror (that sounds a bit like 
> abudction experiences). So God uses thought transference through prophets 
> to communicate with us.
> A2: God does not care for the knowlegde and the intellectual quest of 
> Man. All he cares about is having us believe in him on faith alone - 
> which for him seperates the wheat from the chaff. Essentially, his 
> priorities and values are much different from that of ours. He is kind of 
> like the parent who prefers to receive an unsolicted gift of love rather 
> than be given a gift merely because one is forced to or does so purely 
> for material gain.
> Q: On the "Alien" explanation of resurection:
> A: God is a supremely knowing and powerful Alien entity. He had been 
> examining and selecting human beings from a very long time ago. He has 
> commited to storage our DNA and other attributes (names of saved in the 
> book) and his intention is to carry out an experiment on this lonely 
> planet. After the duration of his experiement. God will destroy 
> everyone living on earth (kind of like flushing the petri dishes down the 
> drain) and will recreate those individuals who have passed his criteria and 
> whom he has stored in enternity. The future home would either be Earth 
> cleansed off people or due to some future catastrophe another Planet 
> where God originates or has built for us. It could also be a mini-city in 
> the form of a spacecraft of immense proportions.
> Q: On origin of Aliens and UFOs (especially as described in Ezekiel)
> A: God has performed other experiments before and so has in his presence 
> other forms of higher life which serve him. Satan (if he exists) could 
> then be viewed as a renegade Alien with significant higher powers. There 
> is also the possibility that Angels are automatons who unlike us do not 
> have the knowledge of Good and Evil. In other words, robots or cyborgs 
> created from other planets through intensive genetic engineering and 
> selection. Angels are servants who carry out God's will on Earth and 
> beyond and can change their apperance as necessary to adjust to their 
> mission. Some Angels are also hominids which were pre-activated because 
> of their extraordinary spiritual and religious faith/acts and were 
> previously just like us hundreds, thousands and perhaps millions of years 
> ago.
> Q: On why you do not have any other "game in town" except God:
> A: The big-bang is a lot of crap. I've never heard anyone explain well
> enough how something could come out of strictly nothing. In fact, science
> cannot ever determine the origin of the universe since to do would require
> information at T=0 or earlier during the big-bang. And since at T=0 and
> earlier there is no matter and no time so there is no information. Another
> way to put it is that applying the big-bang theory shows that at T=0 and
> earlier, everything could be since no laws or matter existed. Therefore
> one could argue that before T=0, God existed and his decision to create
> the universe at T=0 resulted in a temporary existence of a material
> reality which obeys it's natural laws. Yet, that does not disprove the
> supernatural but only temporarilly suspends it:  Hence the requirement for
> Angels and other material messagers. However, when the Universe ends,
> God's prexisting law returns to action. As long as "science" claims the
> creation of the universe from "nothing" it is admitting an impossibility 
> and hence allowing the existence of other infinite impossibilities at the 
> neighbourhood of T=0.
> So, we can assume that the universe was CREATED. That Earth is not an
> accident - on this matter you have scientists claiming that it was an
> accident. Yet, if you compute the probabilities of Earth as a
> life-supporting planet (out of trillions of stellar masses) AND the
> evolution of higher life including only ONE sentient being among millions
> the odds against would overflow the math processor of my homebound 486 PC. 
> Yet, when skeptics laugh at the concept of extra-terrestial entities from
> another distant planet they say that the odds against are too great that
> an alien entity would come here across time and space just in time to
> catch us in a modern age. Or that the odds of another planet with
> human-like beings is too great. 
> My answer is that if a chicken could be produced that could talk, speak 
> English, scrawl novels and program computers and all this happened by 
> "chance". Then I can bet you all my money that there are other chickens 
> just like that one (or even better). Mind you, the odd of the above 
> happening is greater than the odds of a universe explained in the 
> big-bang+random evolution belief of today's proud Scientists and 
> proffessional skeptics.
> Hence, I have no choice but to belive in a super-natural existence in 
> this universe. Contrary to our popular propaganda from the "System", we 
> are not alone in an empty box and then we die. Instead the question left 
> is what lies beyond us and if there is a resurection or an afterlife. 
> If there is, then modern scientists have perpetuated the biggest hoax on
> Mankind.
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