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psychoceramics: Re: Archimedes is right! (fwd)

Archimedes velveeting in the ethology mailing list...
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Date: Sat, 3 Feb 1996 20:25:55 GMT
From: Archimedes Plutonium <Archimedes.Plutonium @ DARTMOUTH.EDU>
To: Multiple recipients of list ETHOLOGY <ETHOLOGY--@S--EARN.SUNET.SE>
Subject: Re: Archimedes is right!

In article
Fred Spinner <s--@U--TKUX1.UTK.EDU> writes:

> Biological evolution is a logical extension of quantum theory and poses no
> terms which are more arbitrary and indefensible than particle names,
> element names, molecular classes, and so on.  Natural selection is most
> succintly stated as "That which exists tends to exist; that which tends
> to exist exists"  It is a device-independent phenomenon wholly derivable
> from the assumption of an observer and the passage of time.  It ain't no
> big deal!
> The ideas that people derive from or attribute to natural selection may,
> in fact, and often are laden with arbitrary terms defined with no
> reference to physics or physical reality.  Psychology remains almost
> completely detached from reality, and most biological disciplines possess
> significant loose ends.  It's true, he's right, but evolution by natural
> selection is a simple physical consequence of the passage of time.  It is
> thoroughly harmonious with quantum physics.

 Good post Mr. Spinner. As any new true science theory starts with one
or two believing understanders, soon there is another, then another.
Darwin evolution and all of its variants is merely an algorithm. Ohm's
law in physics is an algorithm, and not a law at all. Darwin evolution
is not a theory, not a law, just an algorithm.
  The Bell Inequality of Quantum Mechanics proves that superdeterminism
is the truth. Superdeterminism is teleology, a purpose. You cannot have
superdeterminism mixed with any of Darwin evolution.
   As time goes by, their will be more and more people who are
intelligent enough to read and more intelligent to comprehend what the
Bell Inequality of QM says about biology. As of now, the vast majority
of people in biology are cackling dumbos who hide behind the bandwagon
majority. For me to defeat the whole lot of these dumbos is that I will
show one prediction of Superdeterminism which evolution is deaf dumb
and silent. It is not enough to show the goon squads of evolution
believers that "suicide" and "homosexual" should not persist within
living societies, yet they do. And it is not enough to should these
very obtuse people who believe in evolution that Darwin evolution never
ever made a single prediction, always postdiction. But then again, that
is because the believers of evolution like E.O.Wilson,Mayr,Dawkins,
Gould, and many others are not bright enough of people to understand
what John Bell did and what the implications are for biology. Or, these
guys like to milk the general public with their inane science
poppycock, and bask in the limelight, even though they are con-artists
with their fleecing books. Do yourself and the world a favor, ask these
science limelighters if they ever heard of John Bell and what his work
means for biology. Watch them accuse you of being antiscience. Why?
Because they love to bask in the limelight and fleece the world with
their book nonsense.