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psychoceramics: _Eccentric and bizarre behaviors_

_Eccentric and bizarre behaviors_, by Louis R. Franzini and John M.
Grossberg (John Wiley & Sons, 1995) is a book I discovered this evening.
The list of chapter titles might give some idea of the contents:

Erotomania - obsessive loving
Munchausen's syndrome by proxy: the new form of child abuse
Frottage: a touch of love
Vampirism: the ungrateful dead
Sex slavery and the Stockholm syndrome: from terror to love
Autoerotic asphyxia: breathless sex
Capgras and other misidentification delusions: replacement by an
Folie a deux: shared insanity
Koro: the disappearing penis
Savants: supertalents in the subnormal
Trichotillomania: hair-pulling compulsion
Necrophilia: sex after death

Munchausen's syndrome is, I gather, advanced hypochondria; Munchausen's
syndrome by proxy occurs when a parent makes a child sick, through the
injection of poison, etc. Capgras delusion is a belief that everyone
around you has been replaced by a double or impostor. Koro is a belief
that one's penis is retracting into one's body, and that when it's 
completely gone, you die.
