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psychoceramics: A. K. Chesterton and one-world conspiracy theory (was: Inevitability of gradualness)

[Mitchell Porter]
> I tried an Alta Vista search, with "inevitability" and "gradualness"
> as keywords, and found at
> http://ginch.dial.umd.edu/users/gasman/text/quotes/qots/diction/oxford.dct
> the "quotation":
> Sidney Webb:
> The inevitability of gradualness.
> It also appears in an essay by one A.K. Chesterton, "The Perils of 
> Tolerance", at
> http://ngwwmall.com/frontier/bnp/spear8.htm

I have a book titled "The New Unhappy Lords", by the said Chesterton
(probably a pseudonym, given that the title is a quote from G.K. Chesterton).
It's from about 1967, and its thesis is basically that a conspiracy of
(mostly Jewish) international financiers (referred to as the Money Power) 
is attempting to destroy what remains of the British Empire and create a 
One World Communist dictatorship.  All the usual suspects -- the UN, the
House of Rothschild, Cecil Rhodes, the CFR, the Bilderbergers, and one
alleged arch-criminal named Bernard Baruch (who is probably better known
for having Mackay's _Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of
Crowds_ reprinted) -- are named, as the fall of the Empire, colony by 
colony, is exposed in detail.  Chesterton's writing style also contains
overt racism -- in one section he says something along the lines of "the
UN didn't go into (some African country) because of their love for the
natives' fuzzy black heads".  

I keep my copy of this book next to Gary Allen's _None Dare Call It 
Conspiracy_; it's interesting to compare the two distinct takes (British
Imperialist and American Conservative) on essentially the same mythos.

Btw, one of the "agents from Wall St." active in the Congo is named
as one Detweiler.

a--@c--.monash.edu.au http://www.zikzak.net/~acb/  "AltaVista is my newsreader."