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psychoceramics: Life in Hell with Walter Miller

I don't recall seeing this one mentioned here.

Date: Sat, 20 Jan 1996 04:45:38 -0500
Poster: j--@g--.net
Subject: Re: Grate www paige
Newsgroups: alt.slack


RUN! don't walk to: http://pages.prodigy.com/Hell/walter/

This is some 20 year old pobucker who lives with his grandfather in the Texas 
Billy Sherman was talking about when he said that if he owned Texas and hell, 
he'd rent out Texas and live in Hell

Here's a sample:

My granfather insists Court TV is on all day long. He clentches a cigarete in 
his teeth while yelling at the top of his lungs at the TV. Its the most 
frightning noise you ever want to hear. Lately he saw on the news that dirty 
pitcures are on the World Wideweb. Each day he makes me find him new ones to 
lear at. He yells and screams at me when they tak too long to load on the 
screen Then he hits me with a cupped hand right on my ear, he knows it hurts. 
The other day he hit me so many times the ear was bleading. I complained and 
he called me allot of nasty names and then he put a cigarete out on the back 
of my head.

This is not the best parts. OGODOGODOGOD!

Jim the Prophet

I wouldn't be surprised if this is a hoax (or a work of art). But it
_is_ worth seeing.

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