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psychoceramics: Plutonium Loves Me, This I Know (fwd)

Another one which didn't make the digests...

----- Forwarded message from Cosma Shalizi -----

From: Cosma Shalizi <shalizi @ phys-next9.physics.wisc.edu>
To: p--@z--.net
Subject: psychoceramics: Plutonium Loves Me, This I Know

Evidently he did a search on his own name, and turned up
and is not amused.  His letter is edited, as he evidently just copied the
whole page from the search engine.  Does anyone know what he means by ``next
toy''?  acb, should I start looking for an alternate sight for my pages? 

---Begin included love-note---
Date: 19 Mar 96 23:07:02 EST
From: Archimedes.Plutonium @ Dartmouth.EDU (Archimedes Plutonium)
Subject: You're the next toy
To: s--@p--.physics.wisc.edu

[snip of someone else's skepticism page]

Ludwig Plutonium

A dish-washer in some vague way connected with Dartmouth College, and purveyor
of the Plutonium Atom Totality:
the whole universe is (or will be --- I can't tell) a single atom of fissile
plutonium. Found in sci.math, sci.physics,
alt.religion.kibology and his very own newsgroup, alt.sci.physics.plutonium 

Go to hell, STYX that is

---End included love note---

Cosma, mollifying his conscience about publicizing e-mail with the
thought that Plutonium is, after all, dangerously unstable 

This message banned for you by the Telecommunications Reform Act:
	For a whore is a deep ditch; and a strange woman is a narrow pit.
	(Proverbs 23:27)

----- End of forwarded message from Cosma Shalizi -----

http://www.zikzak.net/~acb/          Better living through regular expressions.