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psychoceramics: Re: What about Hale-Bopp... In Business For Money


>>It's possible though that Alcubierre is a repressed trekkie, who got 
fed up with scientists taking the mickey out of Star Trek, and slaved 
away to come up with a credible theory to explain it all. 

Reminds me of the Starfleet Juror incident.<<

Probably best not to do a whole lot of "wheel spinning" at the sight of
some "crackpots" who are just out to make a "living" or an extra buck or
two in this market.

You've got to admit that consensus does little to reward the genuine
folks who are in search of an honest answer. Poor Diogenes had to live
in a tub and wore a torn coat, carried a lantern/lamp and was accompanied
only by a dog (or was that part symbolism for methodology?).

One can make a hell of a lot of money defending lies. I was offered
a terrific salary to defend the manufacture of agent orange in the
early 1960s. Instead, like Diogenes, I became a Nader Raider - now
that was rewarding. Jesus - was I popular with the women - only kidding!
Even the dogs bit me...or so it seemed.

Hey! Wanna make a bundle? Lot's of job vacancies in the tobbaco industry.
Just figure out why babys should start smoking.

Back on track: so there's money to be made in psychoceramic new age
bullshit. So what else is new? There's rotten apples in every crowd.
You don't need a law degree to write lies anymore.

If you're really serious about knowing more than meets the eye when the
rubber meets the road, you don't have to work for Firestone - but it
helps to pay the bills.

Back in the 1930s and earlier - yes I can remember that far back - you
had several choices to come out with new paradigms: 1) you could be an
Einstein, 2) you could write science fiction, or 3) you could become
some "occult" type with a minor following. The easiest way to influence
thought was science fiction.

In the 1940s and 1950s you had to watch what you said.

In the 1960s almost anything could be written and we saw folks flower
like Carlos Castaneda to Jane Roberts. When Jane Roberts came up with
an idea she could not pass off as Seth material, she wrote it as 
science fiction and said in an obscure flyleaf that few remember that
this was really not fiction: THE EDUCATION OF OVERSOUL SEVEN. Today
some people take it as gospel.

The bottom line is that you pick and choose based on your political
leaning and go from there.

Ernest but politically incorrect.

Act as if what you do matters -
right down to the smallest detail...
and then you'll have some idea what it means
to program in DNA.