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psychoceramics: Re: Undiscovered planets beyond Pluto and Sheldrake

>>This sounds to me like some bizarre application of Sheldrake's morphic 
resonance, which theorises that the laws of physics aren't laws as such, 
but 'habits', which have been learned over time. From what I can 
gather, Sheldrake has his adherents mainly amongst the New Age 
movement, which appears to feel that the laws of physics are 'arbitary' 
or something... of which that number now includes Archimedes.<<

Now that's a nice and concise explanation of morphic resonance. What
a shame that Sheldrake had to write all those books and take so much
heat and flack from NATURE magazine. Pity. Sheldrake is a biologist.
He has this weird notion that nature and the universe is alive and
not a clock to be dissected and torn to shreds (killed) to see what
constitutes "living." NATURE magazine is establishment media. Sheldrake
represents a paradigm shift that would change the establishment beyond
belief. Literally.

Bizzare only to those who hold a mechanistic view of the universe but
embraced by mathematicians like chaos theorist Ralph Abraham and the
new physicists who have discovered new domains (aka. dimensions) and
the manner in which they interact with the domain that seems the focus
of our consensus consciousness. Read Ernst Wall's THE PHYSICS OF
TACHYONS, Hadronic Press, 1995, to see simple mathematical proof and the 
errors in BOHR's ancient model of the atom.

New Age folk embrace these "new" ideas because the old mechanistic
explanations that ostensibly use Occam's razor to keep it simple
do so primarily to defend orthodox and establishment views. New
paradigms have a terrible impact upon current technology and business
as usual. For this reason alone, "reality" is defined by the golden
rule: Those with the gold make the rules that define "reality."
These old worn definitions rule out much of what we can experience
and do experience. Consider Sheldrake's SEVEN EXPERIMENTS THAT COULD

Ernest but politically incorrect.

The essence of psychoceramics is political incorrectness.

Established skepticism is kissing ass.

Watch out for shit eating scientists!