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psychoceramics: Re: Your posts

>Are you sure that all your recent posts to psychoceramics are 

>Psychoceramics is meant to be a list specifically for the study of 
>crackpots and fringe phenomena.

I am a dedicated psychoceramic crackpot. I speak from the fringe and
from beyond the fringe. I have lived in "deep space" through much of
my soul's existence. How could/can I be off topic.

I am "institutionalized" or "certified" as psychoceramic because I do not
accept consensus reality. Consensus is totally whacked-out psycho weird
to me. Where else to I fit? This is not a religion of one. I am the
modern day reoriented Diogenes.

 From my perspective we live on a planet where the most of the inhabitants
save for the few indigenous and shamanic people have gone or are totally
mad. In reality, the focus of all official media is cracked.

Thus being much further out than you may imagine, I call attention to
global insanity and the possibility that the real truth lies in what
society calls "psychoceramic."

Ernestly unpolitical.
The quintessential crackpot.

"Your mind is like a parachute;
it works best when it is open."