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psychoceramics: [AR] Aliens and meat (fwd)

----- Forwarded message from Mitchell Porter -----

[ forwards deleted ]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 1996 09:51:17 +1000
From: Alastair Rankine <alastair @ magna.com.au>



As many now realize, aliens are using Earth as a laboratory to develop
DNA sequences vital to their own survival.  But few understand how
pervasive and threatening these "experiments" have become.

The dying Pleiadian civilization increasingly requires human genes to
survive.  But modern technology on Earth now threatens human, and
therefore alien, survival.  Aliens want to eliminate this threat by
introducing into the human population genes derived from cattle, to
make humans more docile and controllable, less ambitious, less

Aliens began gathering bovine genetic material in the late Sixties,
prompting initial reports of mysterious cattle mutilations.  Using
abducted humans, they developed gene-modified human hybrids
characterized by such bovine traits as passivity, vegetarianism, and
long eyelashes.  When the hybrids came of age, they were brainwashed and
deployed to urban areas populated by rootless young misfits whose
carelessness, promiscuity, and acceptance of strange people permit the
introduction of a new genetic strain.

Our cities are now filling with these soft & gentle, lazy, young Cow-
People who reveal So Little about their past & yet act So Friendly -- but
Beware, because mating with Cow-People means DEATH to the Sacred Spark
of Humanity and ENSLAVEMENT at the (*6-fingered*) Hands of the Aliens!
DON'T GIVE IN!!!!!!! -- Paul Spinrad

Paul Spinrad (p--@i--.com) has written for Re/Search,
Adbusters, and Digital Media.

|||| Alastair Rankine | a--@m--.com.au | Mac C++ Guy | VFR750 ||||


----- End of forwarded message from Mitchell Porter -----

"The beast forced all the people, small and great, poor and rich, slave
 and free, to have a mark placed on their PCs. No-one could  <a--@d--.null.org>
 buy, sell, view web pages or talk by voice unless       <a--@c--.monash.edu.au>
 they had this mark. Its name is Windows 95."       http://www.zikzak.net/~acb/