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Re: psychoceramics: Gruborsy's New Ally

>: Her explanation for the headless dove is one of my favorite
>: pieces of Libby-speak.  She says she put it in his mailbox
>: "as a symbol of love and peace"  (I know the very first thought that
>: would come to my mind if I reached into my mailbox and encountered
>: a decapitated, decaying fowl would be "Love and Peace!").
>Excuse me, I'm finding this a little hard to believe. Are you all in fact
>talking about Libby Hubbard AKA Doctress Neutopia? Dead birds in mailboxes?

I assure you, this is not an Urban Legend or a bad remake of "Fatal
Attraction".  The restraining order made the local papers, and, in
any event, Libby's never denied it.  In fact, she's written
extensively about her obsession with Sagan (she claims he led her on).
(looong essay and bad poem available on request).

As for the bird in the box, she doesn't like to talk about it much,
but she's admitted doing it.

The bottom line is:  If you're male, and Libby starts showing an
interest in you - hit the ground running!


Nancy McNelly                    |
                                 |        May the ta'ho'olob
http://www.he.net/~nmcnelly/     |       who voted for the CDA
Mayan hieroglyphic syllabary     |       tz'isob haway sotz'ob.