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psychoceramics: More about David Icke

Here's some more info about Mr. Icke.

 -- acb

----- Forwarded message from Jim Finnis -----

To: flat-e--@z--.net
From: "Jim Finnis" <white @ elf.dircon.co.uk>

> Alas, the local library doesn't have it.  Is there anywhere I could find
> out more about this chap?  p--@z--.net may well be
> interested.

Hmm. Try Altavista, on "David Icke"? I'll try to remember to do it
myself, actually.

Basically, after years of commentating on middle-of-the-road sports
events, he went off to co-found the British Green Party. Then he
disappeared. Then, he returned dressed all in turquoise, proclaiming
himself the Reborn Messiah. Apparently, he first suspected he was
something pretty special when he realised he could always find parking
spaces in central London. I can buy that.

Then, a little while later, after many many talk show appearances (which
were _quite_ excruciating [*]) he said "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm not really
the Messiah, I was mad then." Now he's brought out a book (this is for
real) proclaiming the horrors of the Illuminati conspiracy (can't
remember the name of this book. Probably brainwiped.)

[*] If Christ were to come again, people would treat him something like
this. They would invite him to speak at dinners, make him a guest on
innumerable talk shows, and make fun of him.


PS. Forward this to the psychoceramics list, by all means.

----- End of forwarded message from Jim Finnis -----

"Everything comes apart, one way or another.      a--@c--.monash.edu.au  
   Eh-eh-eh!"                                     a--@d--.null.org
                       -- J. R. "Bob" Dobbs       http://www.zikzak.net/~acb/