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psychoceramics: One World Communism

You find kook material in the oddest places...  the following rant
was sent in the most recent FringeWare Digest.  

Whilst reading it, I almost expected to see the words "Frankenstein 
Computer God".  (And I thought that best.com was used by USENET old-hats
and prestige clients, not paranoid pobuckers...)

 -- acb

>From: e--@f--.com (FringeWare Inc)
Subject: 1996 - The Militia A Threat? A Patriot'S Powerful Response....

Sent from: r--@s--.com (Rob Wentworth)

[ mod's note: okay, here goes... Unavision, Part II 
  we reserve the mental right to a line item veto, but 
  some parts are palatable -

You REALLY need to read this in its ENTIRETY before judging it. Everything
in it is true to the best of my knowledge.   - rob

>Subject:	The Lies about the Militia
>From:	j--@n--.best.com (John Dulaney)
>Date:	Tue, 16 Apr 96 16:48:03 GMT

	In the Sunday edition of USA WEEKEND in our local paper the cover
article was on the Morris Dees book GATHERING STORM.
	I refer you to the cover words "MILITIAS .....  renews debate over
the militia threat" the headline inside reading STILL 'A RECIPE FOR
DISASTER' and the barefaced lies contained in the article.
	To my knowledge there exists no threat from any militia and yet
the Communist One-World Government controlled media spreads this further
propaganda to the American public as though it were true.
	In the article there is no mention of any militia ever having
attacked anything or anyone and yet one line reads: "Predicting when and
where militia terrorists will strike next is harder than guessing when and
where the next whirlwind of dust will come from".
	The NEXT strike by the militia?
	They quote no known existing strike so far and yet infer there
have been.
	Well, to the authors of this article, Morris Dees and James
Corcoran and the editors behind them and their puppet masters I say:

	1) 	To all those who perceive the militia as a threat we must
	   	assume the threat is to themselves and if spreading lies and
		attempting to end our Constitutionally protected militias
		is your aim, which it obviously is, then you make
		yourselves a target.

	2) 	As all citizens should be aware of militias are
		not only allowed by our constitution but are
		formally ordered to exist by it.

		The reason for this is to precisely guard against the
		tyranny of a government turned bad. And a controlled press
		will always be a necessary part of a tyrannical government.

	3)	When there is conspiracy and collusion between
		international bankers, multinational corporations, mass
		media, both parties in government, public education, the
		entertainment industry and more to pervert and destroy our
		system of government, our religious beliefs, our culture,
		our morals, reduce our children to brainwashed idiots
		willing to accept the evil yoke of Communism as eagerly as
		an ice cream cone, to reduce to rubble our economy, to
		export millions of jobs and so forth we know we have 
		serious problems with the government.

		a) When our President and/or wife are known to have joined
		   a Communist organization (e-mail for documentation)
		b) to have been involved with countless criminal acts 
		   spread across decades
		c) to have protested against their own country in a
		   foreign land while being a draft dodger
		d) for him to have flown to Russia various times during 
		   the Cold War while Russia supplied our enemy with
		e) for her to have attempted the conversion of 1/7th of
		   our GNP to a Socialist system of health care in secret 
		   meetings which broke our backs in cost and were illegal
		   in nature
		f) for mysterious deaths of the highest ranking members of
		   his government to be misreported, uninvestigated,
		   covered-up, lied about.... etc.
		g) for both of them to be linked to an endless list 
		   of immoral and unethical activities
		h) for virtually or possibly all of his cabinet and most 
		   of or the entire Democratic party in the U.S.A to now
		   be or have been affiliated with the Communist Party, 
		   it's front organizations or to have aggressively aided 
		   Communists working against the interests of our nation 
		   (and recent Soviet documents showing that the McCarthy 
		   era wasn't only right on target but just scratched the 
		   surface of Communist infiltration in our society and 
		   government - [so what of today, some 40 years later 
		   with NO McCarthy blowing the whistle?]) -

		   where top Democrats have hidden their Communist ties
		   their entire careers with the careful aid of the media
		   and today statewide FAXing and E-mail brings the truth
		   to the voters that they have voted in a Manchurian
		   Candidate - hundreds, thousands of them elected in
		   every office of the land, their true affiliations and
		   loyalties hidden, covered-up, lied about knowing full
		   well no American electorate would ever vote a Communist
		   into any office
		i) possible massive vote fraud now coming to light
		j) when our government is host and protector to Communist
		   terrorists, such as IRA leaders, Haiti's thugs, N.
		   Koreans, Iranians, Libyans etc.....
		k) when our nation openly allows the sale of nuclear
		   weapons grade materials to be sold to terrorist countries
		l) with the mysterious exit in Washington by dozens of
		   politicians of both parties often at the peak of their 
		   careers and all for the same "reason" (to spend more
		   time	with their families!) but rumored to have been 
		   caught with millions in Swiss bank accounts and forced
		   out by threat of exposure
		m) with dozens of living witnesses and cases of
		   documentation linking our Pres. and 1st Lady to
		   murders, drug dealing, sexual harassment, decades of 
		   felonies ranging from bank fraud, false testimony,
		   illegal commodity trading profits
		n) scores of Democrats in Congress and Arkansas either
		   under investigation, arrested, on trial, in prison or
		   on parole but so very many pals, associates,
		   acquaintances, indirectly connected strangers etc. DEAD
		   and BURIED
		o) video proof of Clinton and associates using cocaine
		p) when judges pervert and destroy our Constitution
		q) when our military leaders are known leftists, Communist
		   sympathizers or even Russian born(!) and more
		   experienced patriotic leaders are retired early to
		   make way for the new One World Marxist leaders
		r) when American soliders are ordered to don the uniform
		   of a foreign and Communist organization, to take orders
		   from Communists and potentially ordered to fight
		   against his own country, to kill his fellow citizens
		s) when the Chief of NATO (an org. created to defend against
		   Communist aggression) is a well known Communist himself
		t) when the Republican and members of government vote for and
		   abet the very things they claimed to be against
		u) when US elections are manipulated by wild-card false
		   conservatives like Ross Perot (who, while ranting
		   against the "hated" Clintons was actually a secret
		   member of Hillary's secret Socialist Health Care plot!)
		   to insure a Communist as our president
		v) when millions of dollars are	regularly given ONLY to 
		   split the Republican ticket to insure a Democratic winner
		w) when hidden forces that would conquer our sovereign
		   nation and turn it into another Communist third-world
		   dictatorship be so desperate that they order our
		   leaders to try and pass every conceivable and 
		   inconceivable law against our right to own guns, to own
		   bullets, to own guns that might kill humans (the only
		   type of guns any Constitutionally mandated militia
		   needs are guns specifically made to kill the oppressors
		   of our nation! (the leftists say if we must have guns 
		   they must shoot popcorn only) to ban gun shows etc. and
		   do this in the clear face of statistical evidence showing 
		   that crime goes DOWN in areas with few or no anti-gun 
		   laws (Florida for example) and UP in areas with the 
		   highest controls (Washington, D.C. for example)
		   BUT crime has NOTHING to do with our guns. Our guns
		   must be removed so we can not defend ourselves against
		   the coming One-World Communist takeover
		x) when our leaders do everything they can NOT to protect
		   our borders and the media tries and lynch police
		   officers doing their job, and when the Mexican
		   Government offers lessons to U.S. citizens in human
		   rights education
		y) when our freedom of speech is attacked virtually daily
		   and it becomes a misdemeanor or felony to think or
		   speak of your personal feelings towards a person or
		z) when leftist, murdering bombers are pronounced
		   "innocent until proven guilty" by the media and their
		   political affiliations are covered up but any and all
		   crimes potentially against leftist causes, people or
		   groups are denounced done by extremist conservatives,
		   right-wing violent Christian fundamentalists,
		   republicans or family-value citizens
		aa) when living baby's brains are sucked out of their
		    skulls by law
		bb) when lesbians, homosexuals, pederasts and Communists
		    are held up as role models for 5th graders
		cc) when the media has so twisted our minds that people
		    scoff at and laugh at any "absurd" Communist threat as
		    the "boogy man" and when the words "patriot" and
		    "Constitutionalist" are roiled and smeared, demonized
		    as evil and anti-government

		dd) when tearful leftists beg for the further removal of
		   more and more of our rights in a bid to have
		   unconstitutional anti-terrorist acts made law - laws
		   aimed ONLY towards the disarming of our last lines of
		   defense against totalitarianism - the militia and our
		   own fathers and sons
		ee) When highly educated and intelligent people fabricate
		    newer and newer "problems" to which the only remedy is
		    the further removals of more and more of our powers to
		    be and remain a free nation; when our valiant leaders
		    work until all hours of the night and day to come up
		    with the most patently absurd laws that fly in the
	  	    face of the most obvious common sense all in a
		    further effort to announce that our Constitution is a
		    worn out rag of no value in contemporary society and
		    that our freedoms are being abused and so must go
		    as well

	 and on and on......

		   	and on and on........

					and on and on.......


		Not only THAT!
		We know we have a problem of such staggering and complex 
		proportions that there is no clear way out.

		When even "conservative" talk-show hosts suddenly turn
		against their own professed "beliefs", their own
		professed best hopes for true change, and when the newest
		conservative members of Congress suddenly forget, as if
		alien controlled, why they were sent there...

		When the American public is bombarded daily with lies, the
		blackest propaganda against the very agencies of their own 
		freedom, by the controlled media we KNOW we have

		And when articles such as Morris Dees claim that militias
		are a threat and that they are a "recipe for disaster"  
		but can not show even a single militia attack to back this 
		claim we know we have problems.

	5)	Now more than ever before in our nation's history we need
		our last line of defense against this conspiracy, the
		It is FRIGHTENING to imagine that the common citizen has
		no recourse today other than what George Washington had
		200 years ago, the hunter-patriot militia men and women.

	6) 	IMHO our problems are well documented in CARROLL QUIGLEY'S
		book THE TRAGEDY AND THE HOPE (still available for
		purchase, not by me).

	7)	Write me for a review and purchase info. of this most
		important work which reveals the true
		nature of our problems: 

		Communist One-Worlder International Bankers who's fronts 
		include the CFR, the TRILATERAL COMMISSION and the
		Their names are infamous: Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan,
		Rothschild etc. 

		Their goal: end competition, control the
		world's population by standard Prussian
		education-brainwashing, creat a dynasty 
		for themselves heretofore unimagined.

		Their plotting is more than 100 years old.


	No discussion of any type with the enemies of our nation unless we
address them as what they are: Communists.

	No discussion unless we address the true problem:
	The bankers and their conspiracy to destroy our country and
	Massive tax rebellion.
	Remove your children from public schools.
	Write, call, fax, march to see in person those you believe may
take up the banner that our leaders have dropped and to those who have
failed as patriots, as friends, as fellow Americans.

	John Dulaney - father and husband.


To read about the conspiracy of ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT either E-mail me or

also see: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~adsjrcleu/inf-main.html
and	: http://www.together.org/orga/wcw/gov.html
and	: http://www.webcom.com/~worldgov/indrob.html
and 	: http://www.cruzio.com/~tim/wcpa/how.html

"Everything comes apart, one way or another.      a--@c--.monash.edu.au  
   Eh-eh-eh!"                                     a--@d--.null.org
                       -- J. R. "Bob" Dobbs       http://www.zikzak.net/~acb/