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psychoceramics: Crackpot sighted/cited in June WIRED

>From the June issue of WIRED:


"Usenet is in trouble. Newcomers must choose an appropriate newsgroup - if
one exists - from some 8000. In addition, the system is easily abused; an
unscrupulous advertiser can flood thousands of newsgroups, wasting
bandwidth and disk space.

The solution? Get rid of newsgroups. Articles can be kept in one large pool
and called up with word searches. To post an article, just throw it into
the ocean - the reader's software will fish it out. If you desire a
specialty forum, you can create a virtual newsgroup by naming it, as with
IRC channels; it will last as long as people use it. Since all posts are
kept in one pool, spamming is eliminated. 

Sounds farfetched? The technology exists, and DEC's Alta Vista search
engine provides a preview."

                     - Andrew C. Bulhak <a--@d--.null.org>

Who *is* this guy, anyways?