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Re: psychoceramics: Crackpot sighted/cited in June WIRED

> >From the June issue of WIRED:
> "Usenet is in trouble. Newcomers must choose an appropriate newsgroup - if
> one exists - from some 8000. In addition, the system is easily abused; an
> unscrupulous advertiser can flood thousands of newsgroups, wasting
> bandwidth and disk space.
> The solution? Get rid of newsgroups. Articles can be kept in one large pool
> and called up with word searches. To post an article, just throw it into
> the ocean - the reader's software will fish it out. If you desire a
> specialty forum, you can create a virtual newsgroup by naming it, as with
> IRC channels; it will last as long as people use it. Since all posts are
> kept in one pool, spamming is eliminated. 
> Sounds farfetched? The technology exists, and DEC's Alta Vista search
> engine provides a preview."
>                      - Andrew C. Bulhak <a--@d--.null.org>
> Who *is* this guy, anyways?

Some kind of crank.  He has been known to appear in various 
places and make outlandish claims, sometimes using assumed names.
I think it was him who claimed that the earth is really flat, and
that the "spherical earth theory" is the work of a conspiracy.

Or something.