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psychoceramics: I think he's the man for the job. No, really.

The following is a job application sent to root@(my previous
employers).  I'm tempted to mail Gilles and inform him that we
currently have no temporal jobs available..
  Sorry for the >80 character lines, but it would have spoilt his
beautiful formatting to have changed them.  I hope I've sufficiently
anonymised it (of course, if anyone wants to offer the chap employment
I'd be glad to supply his contact details).

------- Start of forwarded message -------
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 96 15:48:18 +0200
From: xxxxx @ xxxxxxx.xxxx.ch (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
Apparently-To: r--@x--.ch

for the attention of Ms/M.the Director, 
a l'attention de Mme/M. le Directeur,


Dear Sirs,

My last name is XXXXXX XXX XXXXXXX and my first name is GILLES.
In fact, I don't know if I will consult the mail box of xxxxx and 
if I will still use this count : it may be closed. But I have a postal address :Xxxxxxxxxxx. x, CH-3175 Flamatt and I beg you to use it.

I'm degreed as electrical engineer EPFL '95 and I have competences notably in integrated circuits, telecommunication (Inter)networking (ATM, ISDN) and in computer sciences.
For my diplom project, I designed an integrated circuit Field Programmable Gate Array.
Furthermore, for some other projects, I have a lot programed : (Turbo)Pascal, Ada, C, C++, Modula-2, Assembling Language MC 68000 ...
I have worked with the operating systems UNIX, MS-DOS, VAX/VMS, Macintosh et Windows '95.
I'd like to find an engineer position, posibly temporal, in computer sciences, telecomminaications or (Micro)electronics.
Therefore, I apply for such a post and I attach hereafter my  C.V.
I hope you'll be interested.
I'm looking towards to reading from you.

                             Yours sincerely,

                            XXXXXX XXX XXXXXXX

                             Curriculum Vitae

Xxxxxxxxxxx. x 
CH-3175 Flamatt

born on 12th January 1968
originary from Lancy (GE)


--Baccalaureat C :					1988
--Maturite Federale SCIENTIFIQUE			1990
--Diplome d'Etudes Universitaires Generales 
--Propedeutique de la section d'electricite de l'EPFL :	1991
--diplome dUingenieur electricien
   de lUEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne	1995


--French :					mother tongue,
--English :					read, written, spoken,
--german :					read, written, spoken,
--Brazilian (Portuguese) :			practised during a journey,
--Spanish, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Swiss-german : more or less.


--Ada, (Turbo)Pascal, C, C++, Modula2, Assembleur MC68000, 
UNIX shell programming, Perl, HTML, ... : 	more or less,
--Manufacturing Messages Specification :	practised in project,
--HSPICE, Compass (VTI, VLSI) :			practised in project.
--Windows '95 :					installation and use.


TCP/IPstack (Internet), OSIstack(from ISO), MMS (for the OSIstack), 
ATMstack, ISDN (RNIS), World Wide Web (Netscape, Mosac), OOD, 
OOP, CAD (CAO), Graphcet, States Machines, DB, IT, CNCprogramming, 
Windows '95, UNIX, PC, Macintosh, VAX/VMS (from DEC), FPGA, ICs,
Electronic Design, Electrical Machines, television, telecommunications,
accountantcy, reporting, ................ don't hesitate to ask if ...  

------- End of forwarded message -------

Robin Stephenson  (send email with subject `send pgp key' for my key)
Improved Taste