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Re: psychoceramics: I think he's the man for the job. No, really.

I think this is incredibly disingenuous.

How well would you do writing a job application and CV in French, Italian,
German or indeed any language that was not your mother tongue? I have a
similar bunch of languages that I'm competent in, but even then I know that
I make mistakes, and sometimes they are amusing, I'm sure, but no one has
ever been so chauvenistic as to actually poke fun at me for it.

At 1:46 pm 28/5/96, Robin Stephenson wrote:
>The following is a job application sent to root@(my previous
>employers).  I'm tempted to mail Gilles and inform him that we
>currently have no temporal jobs available..
>  Sorry for the >80 character lines, but it would have spoilt his
>beautiful formatting to have changed them.  I hope I've sufficiently
>anonymised it (of course, if anyone wants to offer the chap employment
>I'd be glad to supply his contact details).
>------- Start of forwarded message -------
>Date: Tue, 30 Apr 96 15:48:18 +0200
>From: x--@x--.xxxx.ch (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
>Apparently-To: r--@x--.ch
>for the attention of Ms/M.the Director,
>a l'attention de Mme/M. le Directeur,
>                                                                 04/30/96
>Dear Sirs,
>My last name is XXXXXX XXX XXXXXXX and my first name is GILLES.
>In fact, I don't know if I will consult the mail box of xxxxx and
>if I will still use this count : it may be closed. But I have a postal
>address :Xxxxxxxxxxx. x, CH-3175 Flamatt and I beg you to use it.
>I'm degreed as electrical engineer EPFL '95 and I have competences notably
>in integrated circuits, telecommunication (Inter)networking (ATM, ISDN)
>and in computer sciences.
>For my diplom project, I designed an integrated circuit Field Programmable
>Gate Array.
>Furthermore, for some other projects, I have a lot programed :
>(Turbo)Pascal, Ada, C, C++, Modula-2, Assembling Language MC 68000 ...
>I have worked with the operating systems UNIX, MS-DOS, VAX/VMS, Macintosh
>et Windows '95.
>I'd like to find an engineer position, posibly temporal, in computer
>sciences, telecomminaications or (Micro)electronics.
>Therefore, I apply for such a post and I attach hereafter my  C.V.
>I hope you'll be interested.
>I'm looking towards to reading from you.
>                             Yours sincerely,
>                            XXXXXX XXX XXXXXXX
>                             Curriculum Vitae
>Xxxxxxxxxxx. x
>CH-3175 Flamatt
>born on 12th January 1968
>originary from Lancy (GE)
>--Baccalaureat C :                                      1988
>--Maturite Federale SCIENTIFIQUE                        1990
>--Diplome d'Etudes Universitaires Generales
>   SCIENCES ET STRUCTURE DE LA MATIERE :                1990
>--Propedeutique de la section d'electricite de l'EPFL : 1991
>--diplome dUingenieur electricien
>   de lUEcole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne        1995
>--French :                                      mother tongue,
>--English :                                     read, written, spoken,
>--german :                                      read, written, spoken,
>--Brazilian (Portuguese) :                      practised during a journey,
>--Spanish, Italian, Russian, Arabic, Swiss-german : more or less.
>--Ada, (Turbo)Pascal, C, C++, Modula2, Assembleur MC68000,
>UNIX shell programming, Perl, HTML, ... :       more or less,
>--Manufacturing Messages Specification :        practised in project,
>--HSPICE, Compass (VTI, VLSI) :                 practised in project.
>--Windows '95 :                                 installation and use.
>TCP/IPstack (Internet), OSIstack(from ISO), MMS (for the OSIstack),
>ATMstack, ISDN (RNIS), World Wide Web (Netscape, Mosac), OOD,
>OOP, CAD (CAO), Graphcet, States Machines, DB, IT, CNCprogramming,
>Windows '95, UNIX, PC, Macintosh, VAX/VMS (from DEC), FPGA, ICs,
>Electronic Design, Electrical Machines, television, telecommunications,
>accountantcy, reporting, ................ don't hesitate to ask if ...
>------- End of forwarded message -------
>Robin Stephenson  (send email with subject `send pgp key' for my key)
>Improved Taste

Dave Pigott                                                Longstanton House
Product Manager, Electronic Publishing                           Longstanton
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"No physical world exists behind the apparent elementary sense impressions
subjected to the reflection of the mind." - George Berkeley, 1710