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psychoceramics: Re: The impending confrontation

I can't tell if this guy's a troll or a kook - the concept (a secret
military network of satellites telling people to have sex) sounds just too
good to be true... on the other hand, some of the usual paranoid
schizophrenic tendencies seem to creep in as well.
In article <4shb0r$kh5$5--@m--.production.compuserve.com> Steen Hjortsoe
>The impending confrontation between the civilian and military society 
>Since the 15th May, 1962 when the first 'Heavy Ferret' sex satellite 
>was launched by USA, the civilian societies all over the world 
>comprising several billions of people have been challenged by the 
>military intelligence communities in America and Russia with a few
>hundred thousands employees. 
>It was reported that the task of the 'Heavy Ferrets' was to intercept 
>the signals emitted by Soviet, Chinese, and other nations' air defense,
>ABM and early warning radars. This sounded reasonable enough and
>nobody cared much to throw doubt on this explanation.  
>However, the 'Heavy Ferrets' and their successors, the ferret sub-
>satellites launched together with KH-9 imaging satellites 1972-1984 
>had an underlying, concealed task, that of investigating ways 
>to influence or possibly control the behavior including sexual 
>behavior of individuals and groups of people all over the world. 
>A few hints of the naked truth was intimated to the general public in 
>the latter half of the 1980s by short, inconspicuous comments in 
>books issued by Seymour Hersh and Jeffrey Richelson and this
>year the present writer has taken pains to establish with certainty 
>that 'sex satellites' is indeed the right name of the main function of 
>these satellites. This certainty includes confirmation by an 
>American NSA officer and a Danish military intelligence officer.
>The mode of operation of the satellites would be as follows:
>A house would be selected as the target of the transmitting antenna 
>on one satellite and would be illuminated by focused microwaves, 
>invisible, like radio waves, to the human eye, and penetrating, like 
>radio waves, into the house as easy as if it were made of trans-
>parent glass. 
>Here, the microwaves would be influenced by noise, including 
>words spoken by the inmates. Noise will induce tiny oscillations 
>into every object, including particles of the air, in a given room. 
>The microwaves, actively transmitted from one satellite and more 
>or less modulated by the noise in the room, would bounce back 
>from the house and part of these radar echoes would be received 
>by the receiving antenna on another satellite and reflected as raw 
>data to another receiving antenna at a ground station. In the ground
>station, the satellite-reflected microwaves would be transformed 
>to exact real time copies of the speech sounds the target 
>individuals would utter to one another, i.e. the military people in 
>the ground station would distinctly hear what people were saying 
>in a given situation in a target house several hundreds or even 
>thousands of miles away.
>Further, detailed visual information from the interior of the house 
>would be reconstituted to sharp 3-D color pictures by the image 
>reconstruction facility in the ground station, and finally military 
>psychologists would transmit super- or subliminal verbal mes-
>sages by microwaves to one or several inmates in the house. 
>Superliminal (above-threshold) messages would be transduced 
>by the selected individual's microwave hearing to normal speech 
>sounds and subliminal messages would be perceived either as 
>the individual's own inner voice or as a non-verbal urge to do 
>something, mostly exactly what the military psychologist in the 
>military ground station would want the person in the selected 
>house to do, e.g. initiating or terminating sexual or aggressive 
>Until approximately 1993, the spoon-fed lessons taught to the 
>world through three decades of this degrading free-for-all against 
>defenceless and in many cases unknowing civilian victims in 
>NATO and Warsaw Pact countries by the American and 
>Russian intelligence communities could be condensed to the 
>following titbits:
>- Crime pays
>- Life is full of free lunches
>- You can fool everybody all the time
>Smacking my lips over these grandiose goodies, I conclude: 
>- that the intelligence services want us to accept the rationale 
>that there are and should be one or two unassailable and 
>inscrutable institutions in the latter half of the 20th century, 
>the Intelligence Services and - perhaps - God
>- that something is terribly, abominably wrong and we had better 
>do something about it, all of us, and soon, since it concerns every-
>However, particularly since 1993 the quantity of the reports has 
>multiplied and the information content has grown steadily in the 
>accounts of opposition against the numerous perpetrations 
>including murder, rape, and torture against hundreds of thousands 
>of citizens in USA, Russia, East and West Europe committed both 
>via satellites and by earth-based microwave transmitters.
>Judging by the intensity of the debate on the Internet, it appears that
>we shall very soon experience a major, global confrontation be-
>tween the civilian society on one side and, on the other side, the 
>few dozen thousands of military intelligence officers, medical 
>doctors, psychologists, and engineers in question.
>One of the events we can count on in the coming show-down is 
>that the military as a whole will   n o t   stand united behind the 
>minor, obviously criminal microwave camarilla. Every military 
>officer is of course not a criminal person, has not committed 
>and will not commit high treason.
>I feel that we are rapidly moving towards this point of no return,
>a situation where a speedily increasing number of  people is 
>informed about and believes the American and Russian 
>intelligence communities are actually carrying out the above-
>mentioned comprehensive aggression against the civilian 
>society, that the reporters of such crimes are not paranoid and 
>that very often accusations of the latter kind are merely 
>deliberate attempts at disinformation. 
>Steen Hjortsoe