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psychoceramics: Re: psychoceramics-digest V1 #122

Here's some URLs for real life kookery.  It was only a matter of time
before the tract publishers, puppy-rumpers and droolers found out about
how the Web Could Spread The Word of Their God Without Inteference From
Those Meddling Scientists...

Doctrinaire and Revisonist Velikovskianism:

Another version of Velikovskianism - may be buried somewhere on the opening
page, but look for it: it's worth it.

"ZetaTalk leads you through the vast amount of information being relayed
 by the Zetas in answer to questions posed to their emissary, Nancy"

My question to the Zetas would be: "If you're really aliens, how come you've
copyrighted all the 'Zetatalk'?"

Review of Zecharia Sitchin's "The 12th Planet".  I believe this is related
to "ZetaTalk", as the "Zetas" come from the 12th Planet, which approaches
from Orion.  Not really kooky, but a review of a kooky book.

Elijah's Altar upon Mount Carmel - yet another attempt to reconcile
the Christian Bible with calendars past and present.  Typical midwest
fundamentalist typography.

Archimedes Plutonium - a real life kook: had a letter to the editor
of Scientific American published in the April 1st issue a few years ago.

The John Birch Society - Will You Let the UN Strip you of your Sovereignty?