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psychoceramics: Predicting earthquakes with God.

From: rshannon @ comtch.iea.com (Bob Shannon)
Newsgroups: misc.education.home-school.christian
Subject: Gods Semi-Prophet!
Date: 19 Aug 1996 23:46:52 GMT
Organization: CompuTech
Lines: 29

I have been called by God to tell of the final days. He has directed me
over many years to see signs in the Earth;in earthquakes. He has told me
that He will only tell me when earthquakes will occur and that they are a
sign from him. He has instructed me to give this information to everyone I
can tell.
  I have been predicting earthquakes for 25 years now, but only in the
last 5 years has God worked with me in telling others...I work an 8 hour
day or more collecting data in order to get the word out that now the time
has come. I have had a "web page" for 3 years now and my father was one of
the original programmers for what is now the internet. He worked for the
Department of Defense for many years before passing away at 83 years old
last year. I am the author of Electric Magazine, one of the first BBS
programs for computers......I have been married for 30 years. My wife and
I have 7 children, 3 who have graduated from college, 3 still at home and
one who was disharged after 6 years with the US Army Band in Europe.
  In the last 7 months I have been 90% accurate in predicting quakes. God
has told me that a prophet would be 100% accurate and that He needed no
Prophets at this time, but it was up to the individual Christian to
determine if what I was/am doing is good for them and makes sense to them
in their lives...I believe Him and so after keeping my works only within
the scientific community I now welcome all Christians to:
May God Richly Bless Us All
Rev. Robert Shannon

:::::The Most Rev. Robert Shannon Sr.::::::