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psychoceramics: Concentrated Lunacy

David Icke (http://www.sheldon-nidle.com) has a lot of... interesting...
ideas.  Here are a few headlines and excerpts:

AIDS: the great con trick
- HIV does NOT cause Aids. HIV does not cause anything.

- Energy is energy. Our thoughts are energy and whether we like it or not,
those thoughts, that energy, has its own natural evolution. In suppressing
these emotions (ie. through fear or whatever), we can create blockages and
imbalances, which if left to their own evolution can manifest in illness or
dysfunction through stress etc.
- I am a unique, passionate, thinking, feeling, breathing mass of infinite
energy, centred and fused together with twelve strands of DNA within a body
(which I needed to borrow), in order to go through these teachings and

Tales of a government sex slave...
- Cathy O'Brien spent nearly 30 years as a mind-controlled sex slave of the
United States Government. She is the only one so far to both have survived
with her life and been deprogramed successfully enough for her to remember
all that happened. I tell her story at some length in my new book, 'I Am
Me, I Am Free', and you can also read her own book, 'Trance-Formation Of
America', written with Mark Phillips.

Pluto Power In Your Life
- Pluto is a relatively newly discovered planet which some people I talk to
have not fully integrated into their consciousness. This is mostly because
they feel there has not yet been enough time to study its effects, and
besides which they utter in some derision, "the name lends itself to images
of Walt Disney's cartoon character!" Nothing could be further from the
truth. Pluto is another name for Cerberus the tricephalic dog who guards
the further shore of the Styx (what does that say about Walt Disney!).

The truth about toothpaste:
(This one's just too precious to quote anything form.  Let's just say the
word "segue" leaps to mind...)

If you thought sugar was bad for you -
- Their research corresponds with that of many others in the effects on the
body of brand names like Nutrasweet. Its real name is Aspartame, which is
claimed to be one of the most poisonous food additives on the planet.

Michael T. Richter