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psychoceramics: More on the Manningtons

Subject: Sad News
From: cman @ gil.com.au (Charles Mannington)
Newsgroups: aus.censorship, aus.legal

I have sad news to report.  To save replying individually to the many E-Mail
messages that I have received enquiring about the absence of my cousin,
Rev. Cedric Mannington, I thought I should report the news here.

Cedric has run away with a female University student who he met through the
Internet.  She is an engineering student who became interested in assisting
with the infra-red detector project.  They have been collaborating on the
research over this past week and they went off Thursday afternoon to conduct
some sort of field trials to calibrate the instrument threshold.  They did
not return.  Cedric telephoned yesterday to break the news that he would not
be back.  I tried to talk sense into him but it did no good.

Nancy is taking it very well.  In fact she said he has always been a bit
odd and she almost seems glad to be rid of him.  I can't be quite so
forgiving, but he is my cousin and a fellow Christian so I can't get too
angry with him.  I just don't know how to break the news to his flock.

However, I have become even more determined and resolved to continue my work
on fixing the Internet.  I have become convinced that it is the most
dangerous, evil invention that it has ever been humankind's misfortune to
develop.  Not only is it the most vile purveyor of pornography, it is
also responsible for the worldwide drug trade, as well as giving out bomb
recipes to children and other terrorists.  In the short time I have been using
it, I have also found information on evil religious practices such as
Scientology, Satanism and Witchcraft.  Even Jehovah's Witnesses!!!
There are people out there in the world with ideas and viewpoints that must be
repressed and censored if we are to continue as a righteous  Christian society.
Why only the other day I saw someone claiming that God does not exist.
Absolutely no proof was offered for this astounding claim, yet such ideas have
the power to influence impressionable young minds who are not shielded from
pagan thoughts.

There is no means of knowing who you are dealing with.  People hide behind
pseudonyms and false identies.  They make claims and state things as factual.
Impressionable minds, young and old, are incapable if dealing with this.
They are used to getting their information from newspapers and television
which do not lie.  Now they suddenly have to sort out truth from lies.

And now I have made a remarkable discovery.  The worst part of the Internet
is that it allows people to meet other people!!  People that they would not
normally have any contact with.  Some would say this is a good thing, but
they can't see the bad side, as happened with poor old Cedric.  Others would
say he must have been dissatisfied with his lifestyle anyway and he could
have met her at a bus-stop or at the shops and we should therefore ban those
things too.  However Cedric never caught the bus, and he gets lost in
supermarkets so he doesn't go there either.

No!  The Internet and the Internet alone is responsible for this terrible
turn of events.  It must be stopped now, before more people start interacting
and forming friendships with other people, particularly foreigners, pagans,
and wicked women.

I intend to go public with the story of the real Internet.  The press has
fed the public with good news stories about the Net for too long.  The
truth must now be exposed before this evil monster devours the world.

The Missionary Bot project will continue with even more dedication and
enthusiasm.  However, it will now concentrate on shutting down the entire
system.  Forever!

Needless to say, the InfraRed Illicit Activity Detector project has been
abandoned.  Pity really, it was working well.