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psychoceramics: Re: psychoceramics-digest V1 #239

> From: "Andrew C. Bulhak" <a--@z--.net>

> That wouldn't be the first time when the compulsive flamers have
> borrowed each others' keywords and causes.  I recall one of the Russian 
> flamers (the ones who accuse each other of being homosexuals and KGB 
> agents and "stukachi" or whatever) appropriating Serdar Argic's semiotics
> and accusing some other party of having criminal Armenian grandparents
> who were guilty of genocide or something.
> Colin James may have also done the Russian thang a while ago.  

That would have been the estimable Dmitri Vulis.

For all of Dmitri's, um, more antisocial tendencies, I tend to
take him at his word when he maintains (as he has to me on several
occasions) that he's being deliberately ironic when he works
bits of Argic's routines into his rants.

Don't blame me -- I voted for the Unabomber!
Nathan J. Mehl -- The Left Bank Operation 
(work) n--@l--.com -- http://www.leftbank.com   
(play) m--@b--.org   -- http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/nmehl/