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Re: psychoceramics: Left vs Right (fwd)

On Mon, 14 Apr 1997, David Fleck wrote:

> An excerpt follows from the posting of one Ron Blue, who has been
> inhabiting the behavior/neuroscience end of the internet recently.

Not so recently. Ron "opponent processing" Blue has been inhabiting the
neurosci usenet newsgroup/its mirroring mailing list for years. If my
memory serves me right, he once posted relatively mainstream posts, which
progressively moved over into the obscure, and finally, lunatic fringe. I
think he is the Jack Sarfatti of neuroscience. He thinks the world
consists of nail equivalents. Recently (a year at least) he teamed up with 
that Neutronics Corp. fellow, what's his name. 

> I can't tell if he's skirting the borderlands of kookdom or not.

Dunno, I haven't done my wavelets. His quantum stuff is kooky allright, 

> He tends to repeat much of the material from post to post.

That he does. The probability of him being a kook is pretty high then. 
But a kook with a style.


P.S. Me should be commenting on kooks, being into transhumanism, cryonics 
(the uploading branch), and all.