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psychoceramics: Philosopher and Artist

I've got a live one here.  He's an "artist-philosopher."  He claims to be
"libertarian" but is in reality merely a fairly run-of-the-mill conspiracy
theorist. He also has some interesting views on logic and gravity.  Here's
a sampling from the gravity essay.  The rest can be viewed at his web site
(http://www.erols.com/igoddard/).  (The "holistic logic" essay is a hoot,
but too long to reproduce here.)



"The distribution and motion of particles in a partial vacuum are random
(first illustration) until the ignition of a flame (second illustration).
After the flame is introduced, all the particles begin to rise and fall
relative to the center of the flame, which in the micro-gravity of the
Space Shuttle, where the experiment above was performed, is shaped like a

"This thermal field acts exactly as a gravitational field, and the
particles in this thermal field rise and fall relative to the center of the
flame in the exact fashion that particles rise and fall relative to the
center of the Earth, which like the flame, is emitting radiant heat. 

"We can also observe throughout the universe, that there is a one-to-one
correlation with the epicenter of a thermal field and the epicenter of a
gravitational field, we never find a gravitational feild that is not
directly correlated with a thermal field. I conclude therefore that the two
are one. 

"What we call "gravity" is simply the effect of a thermal field. I suggest
that gravity is symmetrical in nature, causing particles to both fall and
rise depending on the thermal reactivity of the atomic structure of a given
particle and the location of that particle in the thermal field. 

"As 'repulsive' gravitational radiation that radiates from the thermal
center outwards pushes a particle away, or upwards, once that particle has
reached its low point in the thermal field. It then rises to its high point
in the field. At the high point it experiences the symmetrical "recoil
force" of the repulsive gravitational radiation, this recoil force is what
we normally call gravity, and it causes the particle to fall toward the
thermal center to repeat the cycle. This recoil force is refered to as
"cold fall" on the previous illustration. This is exactly what every
particle in the Earth's gravitational/thermal field is doing. There is no
reason to see gravity as anything other than a thermal field effect."

Michael T. Richter