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Re: psychoceramics: Left vs Right (fwd)

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Peter Hipwell wrote:
> Hans Moravec's first (popular) book, "Mind Children" is well worth a
> quirksome read. I know he was working on another, because there were a
> couple of chapters from it posted on one of the transhuman sites a
> couple of years back (containing, among other things, descriptions of
> wars for informational resource space when everyone has been
> downloaded, and the conversion of all matter in the galaxy into

Uh, the terminus technicus is "uploaded".

> computing mechanisms). That already seemed fairly over the
> edge. Questions: 

He now thinks it is possible to let this spacetime's false vacuum decay 
into a different minimum, to engineer the spacetime itself into a 
computer. He thinks this already happened, and we are living in an 
artificial reality. How's that for over the edge? He also supports 
Tiplerian Omega (which is a scietific theory, since the Omega boundary 
conditions gives four falsifyable predictions), and Tipler gives him credit.

> 1) Has this second book been published?

Not yet, but it will soon. Purportedly, it will be also available on the 
web. Some snippets of it gets published here, and there.

> 2) Is he still actively posting anywhere, and is anyone archiving
> those posts? (he used to be on comp.ai.philosophy sporadically, but I
> stopped reading it ages ago).

He is communicating privately with some extropians/transhumanists. One 
post has been forwarded, I'll send it if I can find it.


> Cheers,
> Pete.

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