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psychoceramics: Cosmology

And the best part is, I have no idea why I got this.

>Date: Tue, 10 Jun 1997 16:08:56 +1000
>From: Josef Purrer <c--@c---s-cafe.com.au>
>Reply-To: c--@c---s-cafe.com
>Organization: Purrers Cyber Space Cafe
>To: b--@p--.com
>Subject: Cosmology
>You need to read my new model of the universe.Orthodoxy is completely
>lost. It is no wonder questions are multiplying! I do urge you to read
>my Web Page - contact
>     My Web Page goes into many subjects in Science,etc. Look at The
>Cosmology and Astronomy sections. Also Spectroscopia and Time Travel,
>Michelson Morley,etc.items.
>     I cannot do any justice to the subject in my message of course. I
>find that you all went wrong with Einstein, and have taken a new route,
>doubling back from Einstein,etc.mistakes.You will never get anywhere the
>way you are going. Believe me I have taken this thing(Cosmology,etc.)to
>bits over a life-time, and found out where you have gone so terribly
>wrong. You won't like it but if you persevere you should find that I
>am very right! I have to put it to you bluntly. I can explain Time
>Travel with ease, and also Instantaneous Space Travel,etc. I KNOW that
>my model is correct because of the stupendous probability odds I am
>getting with my amazing meaningful patterns. I give formulae for getting
>the exact distances to the heavenly bodies and fields, and also their
>masses,etc.You are going to hate me. And be most furious. But if you
>persist in time it should percolate through! I just have to put it to
>you straight. You have gone completely wrong. You did this about seventy
>years ago. I am able to show that Optical Doppler Effect is NOT the
>explanation for The Cosmological Red Shift. That The Spectroscopic
>Device does not deal in velocities AT ALL! How can I be wrong when I get
>the incredible results that I do! For goodness' sake check it out for
>yourselves. Use my formulae! There is no Homogeneity!(This is
>irrelevant,anyway.)But there is Rotation of The Universe!(Vide The
>Distant straight streaks of galaxies in the distance, and the logical
>necessity for the rotation!)Time is NOT The Cosmic Radial. Vibration is.
>Here is
>one of your greatest errors. Never mind all the formalities,details and
>mathematics,etc.until you get the basic ideas RIGHT.Get THAT first.And
>then you can fill in the details formally, and go into The Mathematics.
>     You have gone horribly wrong in so many basic ways. Not one of
>Einstein's assumptions are correct! It is hard to know where to start -
>to try to show you all just where you went right off the rails. I can
>only try. For God's sake get it right! And then EVERYTHING will come
>right. It's right. I have been right through it. I haven't got much time
>left - but am pumping out as much as I can on my web page,etc. In the
>hope that SOMEBODY will twig the very difficult communication I have for
>you all!
>     You might at least examine it!
>     We are not dealing with three dimensions of space ONLY, but with
>     There are TWO levels.(This explains the disparity between Quantum
>Mechanics and Special Relativity.Etc.)The Actual and The Real. The
>Geometric Mental and The Physical Material. Once you allow for this
>biscopic view, things will fall into place! You have confused The Cosmic
>Horizon for a general recession of The Galaxies! I explain the 2:1
>Velocities to Magnitudes' Discrepancy. And I find that Pi is indeed The
>Basic Cosmic Key! Orthodox Astronomical Distances,etc.are way out by
>the factors of 2 and Pi. How on Earth you think you can do Trigonometric
>Parallax when you know space is warped I do not know!(Just compare my
>results with Trig's, and observe the amazing proximity to 2:1!) Anyway,
>I worked out - from my new cosmic model - formulae for obtaining exact
>distances,etc. - Such that I get incredible results.
>     I go into these and numerous other matters connected.
>     It is all so simple!
>     I realize that you are collectively feeling your way. It is simply
>that you have not come up with the truth! 
>     How hard to lay aside what we WANT, and to simply look for THE
>     Victor Conway.