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psychoceramics: Your mail to e--@n--.apple.com

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From: owner-psychoceramics-digest @ zikzak.net
To: psychoceramics-d--@z--.zikzak.net
Subject: psychoceramics-digest V1 #289
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 15:35:20 GMT
Message-ID: <199706261535.PAA--@z--.zikzak.net>

psychoceramics-digest       Thursday, 26 June 1997       Volume 01 : Number 289


From: Gwen Barnes <gwen.barnes @ mustang.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 09:03:04 -0700
Subject: psychoceramics: FW: S.O.S. attempt to murder with electromagnetic weapons

Hmmm. Electromagnetic weapons, alt.music.makers.electronic. Yeah, I guess that fits. Note that one feature of the attack is that it makes this person post to strange newsgroups in German. 

- ----------
From: 	n--@j--.com[SMTP:nospam.screwloose @ juno.com]
Sent: 	Wednesday, June 25, 1997 7:16 AM
To: 	g--@m--.com
Subject: 	FWD: S.O.S. attempt to murder with electromagnetic weapons

This message is forwarded from the newsgroup "alt.music.makers.electronic".

- ----------- Begin Forwarded Message -----------

Subject: S.O.S. attempt to murder with electromagnetic weapons
From: 106771.3214 @ compuserve.com (Rolf Dieckmann)

Newsgroups: alt.music.makers.electronic

S.O.S. attempt to murder with electromagnetic weapons
Gegen mich läuft ein Mordversuch mit elektromagnetischen Waffen.
Ich selber arbeite an gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen auf dem Gebiet
der elektromagnetischen Strahlung. Die Wohnung ist mit Netzfrei-
schaltern stromfrei geschaltet. Die Angriffe erfolgen vorwiegend in
der Nacht zwischen 01.00Uhr und 06.00Uhr MEZ.
Es kommen starke elektromagnetische Pulse:
- - starke Stiche, verbunden mit extremen Schmerzen, wenn das Herz
  oder die Augen getroffen werden
- - der elektromagnetische Puls wird auf das Herz aufgesetzt, das Herz
  wird blockiert und mehrfach hin und her gedreht
- - starker Schlag, der Herz und Atmung blockiert
- - die Strahlung wird auf den Kopf aufgesetzt, es tritt teilweise
  Bewußtlosigkeit ein
- - starke Stöße, es tritt sofortige Bewußtlosigkeit ein, wenn das Herz
  voll getroffen wird
- - ca. 5sec lange elektromagnetische Feuerstöße auf
  das Herz oder den Kopf, die Durchschlagskraft reicht nicht, um mich
  zu töten
Die ablaufenden Ereignisse sind vergleichbar mit Auschwitz, es ist ein
täglicher Kampf ums Überleben, verbunden mit extremen Schmerzen.
Die Internationale Gesellschaft für Elektrosmogforschung, PF 1223,
D-83013 Rosenheim, bestätigt die Entwicklung und den Einsatz
elektromagnetischer Waffen.
Can you help me ?
Umweltberatung Dieckmann/Environmental Counseling, Germany,
Burgwall 29, D-23966 Wismar, Tel. 0049-(0) 3841-701786,
Sparkasse Wismar   BLZ 14051000 KNR 1500070900
Sparkasse Dresden BLZ 85055142 KNR 454889122

- -- 
Old saviours never die. They merely exceed the Breidbart index.


From: Hugh Brown <aardvark @ vcn.bc.ca>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 10:32:49 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: psychoceramics: Re: psychoceramics-digest V1 #288

> >I am writing this to WARN THE PUBLIC of a very DIABOLICAL SCHEME that
> >is RIGHT NOW playing out in the market and ingeniously designed to separate 
> >GULLIBLE INVESTORS from their lawful returns. I cannot now reveal 
> >exactly the name of the company involved, but I will identify it by the 
> >initials "FRN". 

Sounds like Federal Reserve/money conspiracy stuff to me.  Still
entertaining though, and the random capitalization is a good touch.

I am now blessing your FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES...

St Aardvark the Carpeted 	         	  a--@v--.bc.ca
You always use violence.  I should've ordered glutinous rice chicken.


From: Ken Alexander <kalex @ eecs.umich.edu>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 15:41:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re:  psychoceramics: LOSE MONEY FAST!!

> >Eventually the corruption in the government and greed in the population
> >will have to be cleaned up so that companies such as FRN can never
> >begin operating in the first place, and THE TEMPLE IS FOREVER RID OF 
> >THE MONEYCHANGERS. But your FIRST DEFENSE is your own intelligence. 

He misspelled "MONEYCHANGER$".

- -Ken the McElwaineologist


From: Ken Alexander <kalex @ eecs.umich.edu>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 15:50:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: psychoceramics: The Dilbert Psychoceramics

I was shocked by the last chapter of Scott Adams' _The Dilbert Future_.
Most of the book is excellent humor similar to material in the earlier
_Dilbert Principle_, but the last chapter seems off-topic and goes way
over the edge.

Scott Adams starts the chapter off with a seemingly random unsupported
slam against evolution, but then gets far wackier.  He starts talking 
about psychic powers, luck as a commodity, and how repeating an affirmation
15 times a day can alter the very nature of reality due to new discoveries
in quantum mechanics and multiple-universe theory.

I think he should stick to lampooning corporations instead...


From: Robert Bain <arbane @ idt.net>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 1997 19:31:47 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: psychoceramics: The Dilbert Psychoceramics

On Wed, 25 Jun 1997, Ken Alexander wrote:

> I was shocked by the last chapter of Scott Adams' _The Dilbert Future_.
> Most of the book is excellent humor similar to material in the earlier
> _Dilbert Principle_, but the last chapter seems off-topic and goes way
> over the edge.

Also, I'm _reasonably_ certain that his comments about the double-slit
experiment are wrong.  (IIRC, he states that the results of the experiment
depend on _what theory_ the experimenter is testing.)

Anyone here who knows the physics _and_ read the book that's willing tom

(The rest of the book was very funny, mind you.)

Arbane ther Terrible (Skeptic)


End of psychoceramics-digest V1 #289