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psychoceramics: KOOK SPAM: [g--@s--.com] The Opportunity of a Lifetime (fwd)

Sometimes one gets a piece of spam which has a kookier theme than 
the usual ads for pornography/MLM/lists of email addresses, such
as "Voodoo spells by Papa George" or this:

-----Forwarded message from g--@s--.com-----
  To: g--@s--.com
  Date: Mon,  9 Jun 97 21:48:42 -0400
  Subject: The Opportunity of a Lifetime
  X-Mailer: Extractor Pro v5.0
  X-Sender: Extractor Pro v5.0
  This Message was Composed using Extractor Pro
  Bulk E- Mail Software. If you wish to be removed
  from this advertiser's future mailings, please reply 
  with the word Remove in the Subject block and this 
  software will automatically block you from their future mailings.
  The Perfect Christian Home Business!
  Ensure your family's financial security while you empower others.
  A Christian Constitutional scholar has released a home study course.
  This course teaches you how to drastically, reduce your tax liability,
  make your assets seizure-proof, and much  more. 
  Equally effective in the US and Canada!
  We offer a home business opportunity marketing this wonderful
  information. Legal, ethical and VERY lucrative!
  It requires $1500 in start-up costs, recovered in about 3 weeks.
  Those who join us average $2-5,000 a week in just 3 weeks!
  Not MLM,
  Not a Pyramid Scheme.
  You owe it to yourself and your family to take a hard look at our program!
  For a free  recorded message call 1-888-842-1343.

-----End of forwarded message-----

It sort of makes one wonder whether "Christian Constitutional" scholars
are the same legalistic quacksalvers who claim that one can avoid 
paying unconstitutional income tax by becoming a "state citizen" or
somesuch.  And how Christian Constitutionalism simultaneously applies
in the US and Canada, two countries which, last time I checked, had
different constitutions.

 Andrew C. /Bul+hac?k/  Design hacker, WWW Development Group, Monash University