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psychoceramics: the tibetan roots of the third reich

A new twist on "the occult roots of Nazism":

apparently quoting "The Men Behind Hitler" by Bernard

  By 1945 the Thousand Year Reich had become a smoking ruin. 
  Russian soldiers pressed through the rubble, fighting from 
  house to house, from street to street in order to link up 
  with their British and American allies who also pressed in 
  inexorably on the heart of the dying capital. Before they 
  overran the eastern sector of Berlin, these Russian troops 
  came across something very strange: vast numbers of Tibetan
  corpses. The fact is mentioned by Maurice Bessy and again by 
  Pauwels and Bergier, who set the actual number of bodies at a 
  thousand. They wore German uniform, but without the usual 
  insignia of rank. 

and goes on to say

  One of the most tangible expressions of Nazi interest in Tibet 
  was the party`s adoption of its deepest and most mystical of 
  symbols - the swastika. 
