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psychoceramics: Re: Crystal sexing

This, from another exellent list, is too good not to pass along...


>To: silent-t--@w--.std.com
>From: Luke McGuff <l--@o--.net>
>Date: Wed, 06 Aug 1997 21:39:02 -0700
>Subject: Re: Crystal sexing
>Sender: silent-tristero-a--@w--.std.com
>Precedence: list
>Reply-To: Luke McGuff <l--@o--.net>
>Status: U
>At 03:55 PM 8/6/97 +0000, David Brake wrote:
>>An australian radio interview about the pseudo-science of Crystals is
>>reproduced below.
>>The web page of the original is at
>>http://www.abc.net.au/science/correx/archives/psychic.htm - you can also
>>hear it if you have realaudio.
>>The final few sentences are classic!
>>(WOMAN'S VOICE) "Clear quartz is good for studying, if you have physical
>>demands. Rose quartz - that's more for the emotions. Amethyst, that's for
>>the mind - tranquility, peace of mind. Citrine - that's supposed to attract
>>money, actually. Smoky quartz - that's for dream awareness..."
>I asked a crystal devotee about crystals once. She explained the physics of
>it, how there are crystals in radios and tv sets, so it was just like
>science. She also explained that one shouldn't use crystals from Alabama.
>Oh, redneck crystals, gun racks on the back of their chakras and all that?
>I asked. No, she said, they were from Atlantis and all their energy was
>used up.
>Luke McGuff			PO Box 31848
>l--@o--.net			Seattle, WA 98103-1848
>http://oo.net/luko		USA

			Robert Arnold
	             Associate Editor - Arts & Entertainment
			The Angle

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