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Re: psychoceramics: re: Trials of a mind-control campaigner

At 01:10 PM 11/5/97 +1000, Mitchell Porter wrote:
>The notion of a forum of victims of government mind control reminds
>me of the convention of serial killers, in one of the _Sandman_ comics
>("The Doll's House"). I suppose it's that in both cases you have
>allies in madness getting together to do something mundanely practical. 
>I'm showing my cards here, of course; I suspect that the vast majority 
>of people who believe themselves victims of government mind control 
>are experiencing phenomena such as "voices in the head", and interpreting 
>them as the product of a technology, rather than of a biological process.

It goes much further than that, Mitch. These folks tie into the
U.S. "Militia Movement" at some level, also. CBS' "48 Hours"
had a piece a few weeks back on a fledgling militia group out
in Arizona. The group came complete with tales of phone taps,
FBI helicopter fly-overs of their residences, etc..

The difference between US (TM) and THEM (TM) is that we know
we're nuts. THEY (a wholly [holy?...holey?] owned subsidiary 
of THEM) haven't grokked the madness yet ;)

Harvey, Lord Randomfactor
Jimmy Stewart Cabal