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psychoceramics: Windows 98 and armageddon

from FLASHPOINT, November 1997 (Vol.97-11)

The Intelligence Examiner, Investigative Report by Texe Marrs:
1998- The Year of Destiny:(quoting):

     "To the Illuminati, this (1998) is a year for which they've long 
awaited - the triple witching of the Beast year.  In occult numerology, 
three (the number of the Unholy Trinity) times 666 (the number of the 
Beast) equals 1998.  
     In 1998, America will be 222 years old, counting from 1776, the 
year of the Declaration of Independence.  Again, this is cause for 
celebration among the satanist elite because 2 + 2 + 2 equlas 6, the 
number of incarnate evil.
     William Jefferson Clinton, unquestionably the most wicked and 
diabolical chief executive in the history of this nation, is the 42nd 
President of the U.S.A.The occultists add the two digits in 42 (4 +2) to 
produce the sacreligious number 6.  All this adds up to a President who 
represents the number 6, the nation's birthday representing 6 and the 
arrival of the triple witching year, 1998, which contains three 666s.
     Illuminists, Satan worshippers, occultists and New Agers everywhere 
on earth are planning momentous celebrations to mark this triple 
witching year, 1998.  GLOBAL RAINBOW GATHERINGS will be held to connect 
spiritual leaders, tribal elders, and sacred sites worldwide for 
internet telepathic meditation at exactly twenty two minutes past 2:00 
a.m. (222), on February 22 (222), lasting for two hours and twenty-two 
minutes (222).  Add the numbers together and you
have 666.
     In 1998, the United Nations will conduct a WORLD CONFERENCE ON 
GLOBAL GOVERNANCE.  The goal is to usher in a One World, Fascist Order 
for the New Millenium.
     Occultic New Agers will also hold a WORLD CONGRESS ON ILLUMINATION 
in Tucson, Arizona. 
     Israel will mark its 50th year anniversary as a nation.
     1998 is the 50th anniversary of the United Nation's Universal 
Declaration of Human Rights.
     It is the 50th anniversary of the Supreme Court's bloody Roe vs. 
Wade decision.  The Roe vs. Wade decision has resulted in over 35 
million murdered babies.
     The year 1998 will see the 30th birthday  of the Martin Luther King 
and Robert Kennedy assassinations, and the 30th birthday of the 
Illuminati's CLUB OF ROME.The CLUB OF ROME is the elitist group which 
demands that 90% of the world's population be exterminated.
     The year 1998 is the sixth year after Bill Clinton's initial 
election to the U.S. presidency, and it will mean six years since the 
FBI's massacre of the Branch Davidians in Waco.  This same year, 1998, 
the United Nations will celebrate its 51st birthday  (5 +1 = 6).
     In 1998, Microsoft, a major purveyor of PROJECT LUCID, will 
introduce its new Windows 98 computer software product.  
     In 1998, high-tech companies Motorola, McDonnell-Douglas and others 
will complete their launch of 66 satellites in space, setting up a 
worldwide system of techno-spying and invasion of personal privacy that 
only George Orwell's Big Brother could appreciate.
      Many other dramatic events are planned for 1998  - events that 
will rock the world and change your life forever".(end quoting).
* It is also my understanding that on May 1, 1998, Russia will attempt 
to project tri-dimensional holographic projections in the skies over 
Moscow to culminate its May Day festivities.  Actually, May 1, 1998 will 
be the 222nd anniversary of the modern-day Illuminati network which is 
said to have started on May 1, 1776 in Europe.
     1998, coincidentally, is also the target year for the full 
operations of the HAARP project, currently being conducted in Alaska.
     The British publication, INTELLIGENCE DIGEST, has recently begun to 
speculate that the year 1998 could be the year for a major Middle-East 
Conflict, involving Israel.............
     Perhaps nothing will happen in 1998..............but again, who 
It is interesting to note that the year following 1998 is symbolized by 
an inverted 666.  It is also the specific year mentioned by Nostradamus.  
And, finally, the year 2000 is the most unique year, since it is the 
only year which, when divided by three, results in 666.666 ad 
     Perhaps, a coincidence?
     Therefore, symbolically we will be moving into the three most 
interesting years.........1998, 1999 and 2000.

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