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psychoceramics: It's all Missouri's fault

[Gee, maybe one of us ought to warn the president....]

A Calling From the Lord

	In the wee hours of the morning of Nov 14, 1997, I received a new
task from our Lord. I am to begin to prepare the earth for his millennial
reign. The first order of business is to destroy the state of Missouri.
While that sounds like an overwhelming order, it really is not. It is like
this. If you know what pebbles need to be kicked out of the way of the
boulders, the boulders go crashing down the mountain all on their own;
first the stock market, then the Federal Government, then the state of
Missouri in that order.  And we will do this without breaking a single

	Once again, Christ and I will work together as we did in stopping
the Health Security Act. He will teach me what I need to do, one step at a
time. Then I will do it. In the end we will achieve what we set out to do.
Timing is everything. Yet the timing is a closely guarded secret. It may
take a few months or it may take a year. I can not say for sure, or how it
will be achieved. The only thing I can say for certain is that it will be
achieved. On my web page, I will chronicle our efforts toward that. 

	A year before Christ and I did our thing to stop the Health
Security Act, he had me go to the Brethren in Salt Lake and tell them of
what we were doing and why. For the length of that year they, along with
the local brethren, ridiculed and mocked. But I continued along because I
knew that they were not mocking me as much as they were mocking Christ.
After we had achieved what we set out to do, their mockery turned to
outright lies. But again I said nothing because I knew that they were not
lying against me as much as they were lying against their own Savior. And
we saw, after eight months time, that Christ asked me to be the prophet of
his Church instead of Trilateral Gordon. And the brethren proved once
again that they are spiritually brain dead. The Brethren of the Church
have now been totally cut out of the loop. The Lord has asked me to make
our announcement directly to the membership. Consider yourself so warned.

	Does it bother me that I have not been called by "proper
authority".  The fact is, I was called by proper authority.  The Lord
still considers me to be his prophet.  That was something he loudly stated
to the Quorum of the Twelve at the death of brother Hunter.  It is agreed
that I do not have all of the keys.  But I have sufficient keys to do what
we are going to do.  Does it bother me that I have not been sustained by
the membership?  We have seen that one is not presented to the membership
unless the appointee has made the same pact with Satan that Hinckley and
Monson, as well as my stake president, have made.  So no it does not
matter that I have not been sustained by the members. 

	Now to my new task.  We, the American people, have elected a man
to the White House who spent the better part of a year of his life behind
the iron curtain taking courses on how to subvert and over throw the
constitution of the United States.  That fact is not in dispute.  We, the
American people, have elected a man to the White House who is a liar, a
thief, an adulterer, a patriotic coward and most certainly a cold blooded
killer.  His programs and policies have shown that he is still the Marxist
and traitor he was back then.  Since the first mid-term elections he has
became a born again Republican, but that is clearly a disguise.  History
has shown that no Marxist who has ever gotten into the highest office in a
government has ever willingly left that office.  There is no reason to
believe that our circumstance will be any different.  Most certainly, some
of the agreements that he is making with the Chinese include how he will
stay in office after his term expires.  I would!
 like to believe that I am wrong, but I know otherwise.  It may very well
be that the only way to save the America people from a fate worse than
death is to destroy our government.

	In contemplating this task ahead, my mind keeps going back to a
statement I recently read in the writings of my great, great, great, great
grandmother.  She was one of the few survivors of the Hauns mill massacre.
The day after the massacre the Missouri malitia returned to see if anyone
was still there.  They ordered her to vacate her home and property.  She
reminded them that the day before they had killed her husband and her son.
They had also driven off the stock.  She pointed out that there was no way
she could leave.  She told them that if they wanted her off the property
they would have to kill her too.  The Lord remembers even if we do not.

	Over the last few years I have had four felonies committed against
me and my family by the courts of Missouri.  Right now I am forced to live
in my pick-up truck as a result of one of them.  When a father refuses to
leave his home and children, as the mother wants him out, the courts and
the sheriff conspire together with the wife to bring false charges against
the father.  The courts do that so that they can legally kill the father
if he continues to refuses to abandon his home and children.  The deputy
sheriff instructed my wife to claim that I had threatened to kill her.
The Judge knew full well, and admitted, that the document he signed was a
bald faced lie.  He knowingly committed a felony, by perjuring himself in
his own court, to force me out of my home.  Now the courts of our county
are trying to force my children out into the snow to bring payment of a
debt which they readily admit I have already paid.  Four years ago a
contractor failed to pay the lumber company th!
e money I had paid to build the shed that I have now been allowed to move
into.  If the Judge gets his way, my home will be taken to pay a debt that
I have already paid. There is no such thing as justice in Missouri courts.
They have shown themselves to be little more than a collection agency for
large corporations.  But when the debt is from the Corporation to the
individual, the Missouri legal system tells the individual to "go to
hell".  That was even after I had already proven that Group Health Plan
was stealing from the Federal Government, which was GHP's motive for
breaking our contract in the first place.  That was after I had risked my
life to provide documented proof that helped Medicare recover 35 million
dollars in fraudulent medical claims and get the three highest officers of
the company, including the company attorney, fired.  The Missouri state
government and the courts of Missouri are every bit as corrupt as they
were 155 years ago. I relish this task ahead of !
me.  With Christ's help and direction, we will see the liars, thieves and
felons, who make the laws and administer the Missouri legal system, living
out of the back of their pick-up trucks.

In Christ's name and with his direction and approval, I so declare before
you this day.


For they that are wise and have received the truth, and have
taken the Holy Spirit for their guide, and have not been
deceived--verily I say unto you, they shall not be hewn down
and cast into the fire, but shall abide the day. (D&C 45:57)