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psychoceramics: [m--@i--.co.nz] Slick Willy 'Forks' the World! (fwd)

Another missive from Millennium.  This time nothing about filamentary
fusion or free energy or the like, but an angry rant.

 -- acb

-----Forwarded message from Millennium <m--@i--.co.nz>-----


Do it again Slick Willy!

Tonight at Eight -- "Slick Willy 'Prongs' the World!"
Watch it on TV Murder One!!

An estimated two hundred million Amerikan racists will watch tonight ON
TELEVISION while Slick Willy murders another million Arab children.

A greater number of British, European and Japanese fascists will
APPLAUD, while filling their cars with fresh Arab blood -- at their
local petrol pumps.


Do it again Uncle Sam!
(Stooge for Her Royal Majesty, London ...)

We like (love) to watch it!
It's the only pleasure we get in your filthy consumer chemical economy.

We want to read about it in today's grubby "New York Times", the "San
Jose Mercury", and "Los Angeles Times" ...

We ALL send our children/clones to your prison camps (pardon, 'schools')
to instill the traditional Western values of conformity, violence and


Do it again Slick Willy!

Watch Planet Earth in her final death throes!  Watch Uncle Bill hold her
down, and render her very last flora and fauna.  Gasp!  Wheeze!  "Quick,
more cancer!"

We wish we could do it to her ourselves, but we will have to be content
to WATCH it on TV -- and purchase her remains at Carniciera Amerika,

It's at Eight -- Don't Be Late!

-----End of forwarded message-----

"I have spoken to one cat, and to many.  And wherever I have gone,   www.zikzak
 my message is the same...  Dream it!  Dream the world. Not this     .net/~acb/
 pallid shadow of reality.  Dream the world the way it truly is."
		-- Neil Gaiman, _Dream of a Thousand Cats_