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psychoceramics: Psychoceramics: Cerebral Speciation

Ladies, Gentlemen & Distinguished Others:

Here's a beauty:

---Begin included broadsheet---
In Science We Trust
A new revolutionary hypothesis concerning the evolutionary origin and purpose of brain lateralization
of the
The periodic natural selection
right hemisphere dominance
being derived from
_Greater genetic recomibinatory-crossover complexity_
which gave rise to
_Successively higher plateaus_ of _abstract cognition_
through the
_Temporary_ but _multi-generational alternation_ in _lateral dominance_
of the
_Cerebral hemipsheres_
during the
_Evolutionary lineage_ from our _primate origins_ to _Homo sapiens_
An unpublished concept currently udner development from an original idea, conceived by the author.  Jan-1989
Ian K Pennack - Post office Box 6 - Port Augusta - 5700 - South Australia.
A seven page paper on the internet
A profound new concept on the long standing mystery of why right and
left-handedness exist at the most unequal ratio of 90%\10%. - The concept
raises brain laterality and right hemisphere dominance, left-handedness, to the
central mechanism of speciation during the period of the Hominidae.  - A brain
whcih could multi-generationally alternate in lateral dominace evolved to allow
unprecedented waves of recombinatory complexity to fuel the brains growth
during the final evolutionary period of the Hominidae.  - Brain laterality
freed the female genome for uninihibited recombination, through sa second male,
the left-handed male, away from the hierarchical dominance of the competetive
males of the parent species. - The concept that the cerebral hemispheres
multi-generationally alternated in dominace from left to right at Cerebral
Speciation events is a ost radical departure from all previous propositions on
the subject of brain laterality.  - Research material supporting this new
concept is slowly accumulating.
---End included broadsheet---

The URL given is, alas, invalid, and despite nearly ten whole minutes of
concentrated searching, I couldn't find anything.
(1) Is there any such URL?
(2) Has anyone heard of Mr. Pennack before?
(3) Is anyone within striking distance of Port Augusta?


Cosma Shalizi
There are few situations in life that cannot be resolved promptly, and to the
satisfaction of all concerned, by either suicide, a bag of gold, or thrusting a
despised antagonist over a precipice on a dark night.  --- Kai Lung