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psychoceramics: Scientology is a FRAUD Proof:

A great little post from alt.conspiracy.  Watch for the bit where they say
that a levitating man could ruin the Communist plan for world rule.

I am now blessing your AUM SUPREEM TRUTH...

St Aardvark the Carpeted                    a--@i--.bc.ca
You always use violence.  I should've ordered glutinous rice chicken.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: r--@a--.com (REALITYi)
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy
Subject: Re: Scientology is a FRAUD Proof:
Date: 12 Mar 1998 02:52:00 GMT


  When a man floats above the earth, as pictured in his books, which were very
intelligent, and wanted peace for the world.  Read one, and tell me how that
person could plant a bomb!

  This is in line with the communist plan to control all major religions, and
to eliminate all new, and minor ones.  Here is the plan, from the controlled
and financeed CPA ( Communist Party Of America).  They are materialist, and can
not control people as well, unless the people they control feaer death, and
think there is never any justness or fairness inlife, as KARMA does occur, you
get what you give.  If you hurt one, then you get hurt in a future life,
incarnation.  People who hurt others, go to lower astral planes of nothing but
dirt, and many times get hurt the same way they hurt others in their earth

Here is the anti religion plan, and a letter aboout the truth of AUM SUPREEM
TRUTH (American name, they also opened a branch in Russia.)

    Hysteria after a shocking tragedy can lead to incorrect conclusions.
    Diversity among religions, grants us a variety of concepts to ponder.
    Aum Shinrikyo (Aum Supreme Truth) is a yoga group. Yoga is an ancient
peaceful philosophy leading to better bodies and minds.  Yoga teaches the "Law
of Karma", to learn through life experience by reincarnating. If one hurts
another, they will suffer in mind and body in a future life.  Amazingly, a
group teaching this has been chosen as a suspect in a poison gas attack. 
Governments or competing religions fear what they do not understand. So
suspicion arises out of fear.
    The science of the human mind is young, and many possibilities remain
undiscovered. Levitation above the Earth is a meditative state, reported many
times throughout history by many sources. The honored respected book by the
13th century explorer Marco Polo; reported seeing many people levitating.
Governments who use religion to control people, or competing religions, may
have felt threatened, and destroyed that knowledge.
    Who is framing them? Perhaps a foreign government (Russia) that wishes to
control the world through established religions via new laws and infiltration.
A plan of control is verified forthwith as outlined within the U.S.A. Communist
party (financed and controlled by Russia) plans of 1966: to rule all world
religion via laws and infiltration, and to eliminate any new religion that
threatens that control.
    "Communist are men of action" - Marx. They want others to be people of
prayer and no action.
    A world with one king (Russia), that secretly manipulates one similar group
of religions, to teach us to be pawns. A scenario repeated throughout history
in many countries. A man levitating could thwart their plans of world control
through established religion; and prove communist materialist doctrine
incorrect. Russia has the capability and knowledge of producing a gas bomb and
to plant evidence upon foreign shores. In recent history Russia made land mines
in the shape of dolls and butterflies for children, after the leaders became
inebriated and decided to invade Afghanistan.  Alcohol increases materialistic
thinking and decreases feelings for eternal truth. 
    The Russian Bear hibernates underground.  The American Eagle flys above and
must use its imagination and knowledge to see through a ground cover of
deception, to detect the actions of a sick country. Russian terrorism using
subjugate groups, to frame other groups must end, or freedom of religion will
suffer. Freedom of religion guarantees a valid search for truth. Rather than a
censored world. Mental war is waged upon us, since nuclear weapons have made
profit in war obsolete.
    Some freely elect a communal life, while others stay at home and take
courses. A jury will not believe they could commit such a crime. When their
true nature is discovered they will be exonerated. Advanced yoga people are
aware that their future lives will be harmed if they cause harm to others in
their present life incarnation. Peaceful people seeking truth, are being framed
and jailed, as liars try to take over the world by infuencing your mind. 
-A Seeker of Truth P.S. Just announced - Aum has 30,000 members in Russia! So
Russia may have falsely implicated Aum. A Com. N. Korean was arrested by police
or The murder of an Aum Member!  .
Update:  The land confiscated by them, where they were fooled and wrongly
advised by a spy to purchase supplies for manufacture of plate (fluoride - a
componant of ceramic is a possible use), by the agents within that infiltrated
his organization. Has been confiscated and is now a park, with a statue of a
Gulliver being bound by very small people, from Gullivers travels.  He is still
in Jail.
This fits in with the Soviet-Commmunisst plan (next post) to control, and
influence the world, by furthering existing religions.  Although they ignore
the truth!  of their future,  and they will reincarnate back to this world, a
worse one if the succeed.

     The bulletin states "That in New York City in June, 1966, at the National
Convention of the Communist Party U.S.A., they set forth their promulgation of'
Operation 76 (1976) in brief, this operation '76 is a ten-year plan for taking
the United States into the Soviet-orientated World Government dated for
consummation on July 4. 1976.
     This plan also gives impetus and directions to an amalgamation of
organized religious bodies which Moscow has blue-printed to emerge in the early
1970's as a "Universal Church of World Brotherhood'. The work of the one-world
church is the de-christianisation of Christianity. The idea is to promote the
social gospel already at work among the apostate churches.
     At the 18th National Convention of the Communist Party, the Red Faithful
found 'Godless Religion' incorporated in Operation'76 as an instrument for
effecting U.S. surrender to a Soviet-dominated World State by July 4th 1976.
The plan of action is quite precise. It is geared to the creation of a single
church of World Brotherhood seated in the Holy Land by the middle 1970's.  The
ultimate real is a Global Religion in which the Political and church powers are
one and the same. but this objective extends beyond the terminal date of
Operation '76, whose blue-print in this area is restricted to fostering
domestic INTERFAITH union of the mainstream of Protestant, (all similar
beliefs), Catholic and Jewish Denominations in the expanded National Council of
Churches, which, by a series of' Guidelines' to be laid down by several
agencies of the Federal Government, and later to be sustained by DECISIONS OF
THE THEN U. S. SUPREME COURT, will, by force of Law, come to include all
churches, denominations, sects and individual clergymen and evangelists legally
recognized as having the right to function in the field of religion.
     All seeking to operate outside either the Council N.C.C., or the
guidelines will, in the earlier stages of the plan, be subjected to crippling
economic disabilities [Not allowed in a residential Home-forced to use an
expensive church*] and later perhaps if too wealthy be included under statutory
and prosecutable offenses."
     Thus, any new religion which communists do not approve of, or control,
will be chosen for destruction, or infiltration and gradual change from within,
which will alter their philosophy; which is as though it would be destroyed..
  *The Supreem court recently ruled to not allow people to use homes - which is
against our Bill of Rights, allowing freedoom, and NO law passed respecting

St Aardvark the Carpeted 	         	  a--@v--.bc.ca
You always use violence.  I should've ordered glutinous rice chicken.