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psychoceramics: Marked neurophysiological changes following an unusual sexual experience

Hi all!

Pursuant to my last post, wherein I had briefly expostulated upon
the various dealings taking place between alien beings [Intelligent Beings of
Extra-terrestrial Origin] and the Government of India [an organisation of
terrestrial 'intelligent' beings]; I was heartily surprised upon receiving an
invitation from the latter, who were quite satisfied both with my credentials
as a SETI researcher, as well as my honourable intentions in doing so.	In
today's post, I propose to describe in detail my experiences with aliens, and
in the concluding part I will put forth some questions that have troubled me,
for which you may perhaps be having an answer.

I will skip the details
regarding the manner in which I was approached by the Indians, as well as the
manner of introduction to the aliens, because that will merely lengthen the
post.  I propose to set these details down in a book that I hope to find time
to write sometime in the near future.  So then, here I was, and there was
this alien super-being standing just a few feet from me, and after a few
minutes of astonishment in the initial phase, I quickly recovered because it
felt no different than speaking with anyone who had a bad case of Addison's
Acromegaly [for the non-scientists in the audience, that's a hormonal defect
that leads to excessive growth, gigantism, in short].

Imagine my surprise
when that alien told me that 'he' merely appeared to be so, because that was
the 'appearance' that 'he' projected upon the CNS of humans.  What the actual
appearance of these aliens was is a total mystery, and will remain that way,
because they have no intention of revealing their real self, and would much
rather appear in an illusory form that we humans find so eminently
presentable.  Carrying this theme further, the alien asked me who my
favourite female was, and I promptly replied, Alicia Silverstone.  Would you
like to meet her, to that next question, I had no hesitation in signing

He led me into an adjoining room, and lo, and behold, there was
Alicia Silverstone.  In the 'flesh'?  I was perplexed.	Was Alicia for real? 
Of course not, it was merely some alien of indeterminate sex 'posing' as
Alicia.  But, the alien insisted, when I pointed this out to 'her?' that this
was no simple hypnosis or illusion, but that she [uh, ok, how many times can
I put it inside commas; henceforth, the alien is she, no inverted commas] was
really Alicia, in that whatever she was experiencing now, was actually being
felt and experienced by Alicia as true and real.  How can that be in
real-time?  She'll become schizophrenic, I objected.

At this Alicia [now,
don't I just love saying this, Alicia, wow], handed me a LaTeX copy of what
seemed an article titled, "Anatomy of a new paired tract of the pineal gland
in humans".  It is going to appear in Vo.248 Iss.3 of 'Neuroscience Letters'
(8042), on pages 179-182, and appeared to have been written by one D. Larry
Sparks.  But, the journal wasn't yet out, (still isn't, I haven't received a
copy yet), so how come she had this article in her possession?	Alicia merely
shrugged, we are aliens, we can get any kind of info.  Okay, but what of it? 
The consciousness uses this paired tract scheme as a kind of 'stack dump'; in
that whenever there is a conflict in real-time experiences, (that could
happen only because aliens override the human neural network circuitry), one
of either track is selected, and the other is permanently deleted.  But,
considering that such a feature can only be taken advantage of by aliens, or
by humans with the relevant expertise and equipment, why did such a paired
network evolve?  Perhaps, an evolutionary glitch.

So, Alicia, the real
fleshy Alicia somewhere in Hollywood, LA, and not in this alien-infested
borough somewhere in India, would experience both her actual experience and
this experience via the alien?	Sure, she replied.  And, you can override her
actual experience, and make this interaction her 'actual' experience?  Sure. 
But, how?  An enigmatic smile.	Unable to hold myself back any longer, I gave
Alicia a smackk on her lips.  This is THE experience Alicia would remember
forever, despite whatever else she's really doing now, I queried.  Sure.  Not
entirely unexpectedly, indeed, inevitably, and most pleasantly, I made love
to Alicia Silverstone, made love hard, and made love long.  Yep, that's what
Alicia's going to remember now, her time with Paul Smith, and nothing else.
So, what was in it for the aliens?  I asked an Indian official afterward,
when I had dressed up properly.  They needed semen samples from a virile
Christian male?  Was that it.  They needed a thorough look at the CNS
structure of a Christian, the official replied in a matter-of-fact manner. 
You mean, I was the guinea pig, I protested.  Neuroanatomy, neurophysiology,
neurochemistry, the works.  They scanned for everything, up to the molecular
level.	So, they scanned me, so what.  There are lotsa fMRI and PETscans done
all the time.

There has been a potentiation of amygdala glutamatergic
neurotransmission within your ventral pallidum, he continued, oblivious to my
query.	He switched on the television, and there it was in lurid detail,
every bit of the copulative track I had pursued with 'Alicia'.	I don't know
how far the Indian Govt. servants are imbued with honesty, but in case you
run into any explicit video featuring Alicia, remember that the guy in the
picture is yours truly.  Anyway, he said, there was nothing amiss in the
physical activity, no clue as to how they could've analysed my CNS that way. 
But, the neurophysiological anomaly did make it clear that there was clearly
something at work.  If only we'd been able to find out what's going on in
Alicia's [the real one's] brain, whether she too is manifesting any CNS
changes.  Why don't you ask 'Alicia', the alien that is, to insert some data
into the real Alicia in Hollywood, that will make her follow you like a lamb,
the Indian official said slyly and winked.  That's an idea, and I'll sure
follow it, the meeting with the alien is scheduled for tomorrow; and hey,
they're interested in me.

Time for the questions.

What do I tell the alien
tomorrow?  Sure, about fixing up Alicia to remember me, that's first on the
list, but what else?

Can anyone give me the prognosis regarding my
neurophysiological changes?

In case any of you are in laboratories, and
interested in participating in a large-scale experiment, how about your lab
noting the CNS status of the real females who are being duplicated by the
aliens, so that the entire circuit can be closely monitored?

Paul Smith

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